Letter to IbramXKendi

Just watched your interview on AlJazeera. Very impressed with your objectivity, broad knowledge and lack of judgement. And (I think) that I understand what you are trying to achieve. HOWEVER. Based on the following reasoning :
a) Everyone has a different PERCEPTION of everything on the planet. It is VERY difficult to change any of these Perceptions.
b) EQUALITY is impossible to attain or establish. If one reduces Yin Yang to a very basic interpretation EVERYTHING has a positive and a negative. Eg1:Battery – electricity + and – Eg2:Good and Bad Eg3:Black and White. Eg4:Hot climate and Cold Climate. The existence of one depends on the existence of the other. If equality is introduced into these variables then effectively they cease to exist. The pendulum swings from one to the other in varying degrees under varying conditions. EXTREMISM, INTOLERANCE and/or CHAOS is the result of the pendulum swinging too far in any direction.
c) POLARISATION is the process whereby the pendulum is pushed in one direction to make people aware of either + or -.
Racism and sexism are issues which only exist because of polarisation. These are PERCEPTIONS which no degree of education, regulation, speculation or communication will ever resolve because there is this human confusion about freedom and independent thought which resists change or attempts to modify PERCEPTIONS. One huge catch 22 situation.
IMHO the problems of racism and sexism are compounded and confused by trying to address, regulate, promote ( = polarize) whereas we must accept that a) we are not all equal AND b) we are all subject to our perceptions.
So how can these very significant problems be addressed?
By making them go away.
Do not attempt to change a persons PERCEPTIONS. They are the only ones that can do so by experience and observation.
Accept that SEX is a personal and private perception of oneself and that this can only be shared with people who can accept and understand that perception.
We should never legislate or judge people with regard to sex, creed or colour.
This cannot be achieved by trying to enforce equality because that is impossible.
The only solution IMHO is to get people to RESPECT everything in this universe, take RESPONSIBILITY for their own actions and not expect any RIGHTS, I am busy trying to unravel this philosophy on my website rrrhelp.com but I still need a lot of outside help with that.
As well-intentioned and admired as your work, books and website might be, I sincerely believe that you will achieve a lot of good but that you are really polarizing the situation rather than solving the problem.
Your comments and opinion on TheCode = A moral compass = RRR (Respect before Responsibility before Rights) would be very much appreciated.
In anticipation

Thank you so much for reading this,

Most sincerely,  Jude


This subject is more contentious than any other subject on the planet because it agravated by PERCEPTION,  politics, personal privacy and, above all, SUBJECTIVE CONTROL.

To be completed after I have finished other posts on RRR which enable this subject to be simply, objectively and intelligently considered and viewed.


Chaos Catalysts

Under development at this time.

This list of Pwords define the actions, groups, concepts, opinions, beliefs and “catch words” that promote the chaos raging on our planet at this time.

Perception and Polarization:

Which have been dealt with separately here.








Under development at this time.

Open Government

A description of  Open Government is well described in Wikipedia.

Essentially one of the most important aspects of EFFECTIVE Government is transparency.  Open Government defines how this can be achieved in an extremely detailed way.

Lack of transparency, misinformation, self interest, greed and party politics all contribute to the political chaos which has been placed in public view in the USA at this time. The one thing that is true about trump is that he “says-it-like-it-is” which does gain him supporters. A number of his so-called lies are in fact truths which are very uncomfortable to the White House and it is these exposures which provide justification for some of his supporters. The problem is that these “truths” are rather infrequent compared to his total disregard for facts in general in his efforts to convince himself that he is right/all knowledgeable/intelligent/empathetic and doing everything in the interests of America. His  diatribes , and the fact that people cheer him on, demonstrate an extremely ill-informed, selfish and irrational attitude which is sadly in need of a moral compass to guide their thinking processes. TheCode is a simple and powerful tool to achieve this.

All of this fake-news and fake-fake-news and propaganda is because all governments have these two huge barriers that have been created to justify lack of transparency; the first is national-security and the second is it-will-only-cause-???? (rioting, discomfort, pain etc etc) and it is therefore better not to release the information to the public.  Incorrect or unnecessary use of these two justifications should actually be criminal offenses in the same way that corruption is a criminal offense. Especially by people in responsible positions.



Politicians and 10 year plan

Items to be addressed with regard to the attitude, responsibility and conduct of Politicians :

1. First and foremost it is essential that we get ALL GOVERNMENTS and all parties within those governments to stop the childlike inhouse fights at a party (and frequently personal level). To achieve this a TEN YEAR PLAN must be structured, proposed and put into Law. This plan will focus on the best objectives for the betterment of the country and consequently the people.

All voting relating to this plan must be done on a non-partisan basis.

2. The population must take responsibility for electing the BEST GOVERNMENT to be able to achieve the objectives defined in the TEN YEAR PLAN. Not one which promises SOME of the people a hand-out or saving in cost. These vote-gathering measures must become a thing of the past. The responsibility of the Government is to RUN THE COUNTRY for the best outcome for ALL THE PEOPLE in the country. No-one will ever be completely happy with what they are getting. Particularly if we are all driven by GREED.

3. Any increase in remuneration for current MPs at all levels can only take effect, once accepted and approved, after the next election. If the current MPs believe that they NEED, not want or deserve (which is a variation on demanding or expecting their RIGHTS), then they should include that on the agenda for the next government. If the current MPs are not going to get the increase one would hope that some of them would seriously consider whether the action is appropriate in the light of other financial priorities. This should apply to ALL public office bearers that are voted into power. Eg. Councils.

4. Politicians will be made accountable for their promises and consequently their actions by ensuring a) That they include at least two proposals which they will follow-up on the TEN YEAR PLAN during their term of office and b) A specially formed Internal Assessment Office will consider whether that candidate has made on effort to follow-up on his promises and how much success he has had therewith. If they get a less than 50% evaluation then their political pension will be reduced accordingly. This assessment goes for every MP and if an MP leaves or is thrown out of office his/her pension is adjusted accordingly.

5. Every Politician should be required to undergo a Police Check and a Psychological Test to ensure that they are fit for office. These are the people that we are trusting to run OUR country. This is actually very high on the RLC and if they are not capable of taking responsibility for themselves and their families then they are not fit to run the country. TheDon is the ultimate example of someone who has been able to remove any respect that someone may have had for a whole country (the USA) never mind for a single politician.

6. THE TEN YEAR PLAN will include a case for introduction of a Multiple Vote System. This too could resolve the issue of some of the Party Politics and those voters who do not take any serious issues into account other than:   what do I get out of it? and we have voted xyz party for the last… years. As stated above it is very important that the attitude to voting changes. We must vote for the person (probably rather than the party as in Scotland at some time I believe) that we believe will do the best job FOR THE COUNTRY. After all if our country goes to the dogs so do we.
