TRIP SOUTH – Nov 2006.
0000-Goodbye Brisbane.
Prior to leaving Brisbane we travelled to Tangalooma to see the Dolphins.

Nov. 13 2006 Left Karen and Michaels and travelled south, stopping at the locksmith for a Portaloo key! Took “scenic” route through Kingscliff but area now so built up there are few ocean views.
Stopped for the night at small caravan park at Wooyeny. Paulene Kaye travelled down to see us and have tea.
Nov.14 Went via Ocean Views and Brunswick Heads and Bangalow to the Midson’s in Ewingsdale.
Nov.15 Walked in Byron Bay and went up to the Lighthouse. Spent the night again at Midson’s.

Nov.16 Left on real start of our Southern Loop! Went via Lennox Head and Lake Ainsworth to Ballina and revisited old haunts before travelling down the Pacific Highway to our first free site stop at Woodburn. Felt a little nervous but met the “Meandering Mitchells”. David had been on the road for about 14 years! Brenda was his new lady who had been anxious about roadside stops so we reassured each other. VERY noisy with all the passing trucks but otherwise uneventful night.
Nov.17 Short hop down to Grafton where we stopped overnight in the Big 4 – lovely grassy drive-through sites and quiet!
Nov.18 On impulse did a “left hand down” to Minnie Waters where we spent 2 nights in the caravan park and while there visited Wooli and drove along the beach to Sandon which is otherwise pretty inaccessible. The area was pretty with pleasant beaches and lakes.
Nov.20 On via Coffs Harbour where we walked out on the jetty and on to Sawtell.Overnight in the caravan park which was windy but pleasamt. Sawtell had a shady main street with seats to watch the passing parade.
Nov.21 On to Urunga where we spent a week. Windy a lot of the time and we were eaten alive by sandflies! Walked regularly out on the boardwalk where we saw many different types of crabs and seabirds including godwits and curlews. On a drive through the farming area saw cattle egrets with yellow breeding feathers which I had never seen before! We also went on a drive to the hinterland up to Dorrigo and Bellingen to rainforest and the Dangar Falls.Saw Eastern Rosellas and back in the caravan park saw tree frogs, ibis, heron, crested doves, more rosellas, galahs and bats at night.

Nov.28 Left Urunga for Nambucca Heads where we stopped overnight.

Nov.29 Got Rx for the sandfly bites which were still driving us NUTS! Continued on down the coast to Stuarts Head, Grassy Head and Stuarts Point before stopping overnight at Paddy’s Rest. It was Stormy with strong wind.
Nov.30 Unhitched Turtle and headed up dirt road towards Yarrahapinin Lookout. Wind had brought part of a tree down across the road which Ian managed to haul clear using Tug. Yarrahalinni was really beautiful.

That concludes the First trip. Next on to SW Rocks and beyond.
With thanks to Anne,