Solutions are Limited

I really wanted to establish SOLUTIONS to our problems but this is not really possible because of the Freedom of Mind and Spirit and the resulting individuality of each and every person on this planet. This reference is worth reading because it clearly shows the importance of responsibility and rights involved in understanding the word freedom.

What does this mean? It means that SOLUTIONS really cannot be absolute.  When one is advocating a solution to a problem there are two factors that need to be taken into account. The first is Right and Wrong and the second is BALANCE

So any solution that is provided can only ameliorate that problem at that time under those conditions and addressing that level of responsibility. And furthermore in the hope that it can stimulate people to consider the solution and evaluate it WITH AN OPEN MIND.

So,  to avoid further confusion RRR will attempt to provide SOLUTIONS to all the PROBLEMS which we identify but will include qualification of that SOLUTION to the best of our ability.


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