Intro to a Beautiful World

Many years of Travel through Australia mainly (N, S, E and W) and trips to New Zealand, South Africa, United Kingdom and USA will unfold as weekly posts are included on the RRR site. This is being done in celebration of the arrival of a vaccine for Covid-19  and the departure of trump. Hopefully forever, but I am afraid that the after affects of both of these 2020 catastrophes will be with us for many years to come. I hope that the Australian Government will learn many lessons from the hard work that President Joe Biden will be doing to get dU.S.A (disUnited States of America) back on its feet and ahead of the Chinese advance.

Thanks mainly to Anne Mitchell for preparing the Journals which have guided the preparation of these Trips around this beautiful planet.

I will add Trips from time to time. Trip 3 will be South West Rocks.

Thank you for expressing interest in this task and I trust that the pictures will be enjoyed by many of those who visit my site,

Edit: Feb 7, 2025 Sadly fP47 is back !!! ARMAGEDDON comes closer.

So far there is only one Trip Available. See Top Menu/Index for Yarrabilby or enter the Search capability. Sorry about that. BUT I will provide more during the year. Let me know if you would like more.

Thank you,  ianm dot mob at gmail dot com