THE opposite for RESPECT.

Today I realized what the counter/opposite/balancing  emotion, feeling or action is for the word RESPECT. The word is (not) FEAR.

Ed. 13/1/2025 FEAR is not correct. After years revisiting this post I have decided that the opposite of RESPECT is LIES.

Once again I use exP45 (Donald J trump ) as the most successful LIAR known to me at this time (Jan 2025). He lied and falsified information to achieve the Presidency of the USA in 2016 and again in 2024. His ability to subvert the US DOJ (Department of Justice) dates back to his days when he was taught his streetsmarts  by his father. For a complete overview of  who exP45 really is see HERE.

During his first term of office fact checking his public statements for 4 years amounted to over 30,000 lies. This is not political heresay these are facts from many sources on the internet. The dark net is the only place I can trace any claim that this is not so. Unfortunately exP45’s followers ALL live in exP45’s Alternate Reality where exP45 consistently repeats his lies to the extent that they have become true (real) for his followers and exP45’s claims of fake-news (when anything does not suit his reality) are accepted and believed.

These are the basic principles of the Nazi groups who advocate that if any LIE is repeated often enough it will be believed. This has proved to be the basis of exP45s success to the extent that they believe that anything anti-trump is in effect fake-news or political misinformation.

I do, however, realise that using exP45 as an example is not really appropriate for the promoton of The-rCode as no matter how exP45 is viewed it has become a political nightmare of fake-news, fake-fake-news, lies and  misinformation.

This does however provide an extremely scary view of what LIES can achieve no matter what percentage of them may be political or non-political, fact or fiction, truth or misinformation OR, the ultimate confusion caused by half-truths.

As soon as misleading statements are made, whether lies or half-truths, they instill confusion and or hate, fear and even chaos in the ranks of the recipients. Even more so when the lies or half-truths are being spoken from a pulpit of institutions as high, powerful and globally influential as the Presidency of the USA.

Just consider how many relationships (particularly in current movies and TV shows) are ended abruptly and emotionally because of some LIE or omission to tell the truth.


Hence half of America voted exP45 back into the White House for a second time. I sincerely hope that the fact that he is now a proven felon will enable the American Intelligence Agencies to clearly state that their job descriptions deny them the ability to pass on any information to criminals.

Edit: 7 Feb, 2025. fP47 – felon 47th President – has overcome this problem by firing any and all federal staff who have any power whatsoever to stop his march to ownership of the US Treasury. Anything else, such as the Gaza disaster, are merely sideshows where fp47 has the opportunity to demonstrate his TOTAL lack of leadership.

At this time I am completely confused by the role that Elon Musk wants to play in Americas downfall???

Which is a another barrier to keep the truth separate from the LIES.

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