
America to-day : A Simple Overview :

  1. Joe Biden is The President Elect and will be President of the USA in January 2021.
  2. Joe Biden won by 5,331,692 votes as of now (11:50 14/Nov). This is a significant win BUT 72,645,621 people voted for trump = +/-48% of the voting population of the USA.
  3. The USA (embarrassingly) leads the world with regard to Covid-19 statistics. 3.2% of the population (10,552,669) confirmed cases with 153,496 on Nov 12 alone,  242,420 deaths with 1,083 on Nov 12 alone. A recent quote on USA TV satated the death rate to be 1 person every 45 seconds.
  4. While this is happening trump’s staff and many so-called intelligent Republican Senators continue to say that the election will be “turned around” and that trump will have a second term in office (2024??). This enables the mis-information team to tour the country collecting funds for the already-lost-case of voter fraud and invalid votes. The purpose of these delays is to collect as much money as possible from the trump supporters before they a) wake up to the fact that they are part of the biggest scam in American history OR b) curb their GREED OR c) recover from the Stockholm syndrome.
  5. The American Defense System is being destroyed by trumps hire and fire campaign. Although this is a serious threat to American security as a whole, most Americans can be grateful that the rest of the world understands the terrible situation into which The Republican Party have  put them and will wait until Joe Biden can re-establish sanity and some equilibrium.

There are two significant reasons, that I have identified,as to why so many people voted for trump.

No1, in terms of TheCode, is personal GREED. This shows how inportant it is that we (as homo sapiens) realise that we have to think beyond our own gain to ensure the survival of this planet.

No2 is because the American population are suffering from Stockholm syndrome. After 4 years of lies, false news, threats, bullying and mis-information spewing from the Virtual Reality show that is trump, while he  abuses the most powerful political position in the world. Grab TheCode as a life raft and learn to live with a new and brighter outlook on life. Move from the Dark side into the light of social participation, responsibility and happiness. Happiness is far more rewarding than freedom, especially a false understanding of freedom.

I notice that trump is due to start his nation wide tour next week. This will be at the cost of the American Nation and with the purpose of collecting funds for his …….  actually for his depleted bank account. I guess this is possibly his last chance at grandstanding. Would it not be wonderful if no-one turned out for any of his rallies! I guess that the Olympic committee should take note of a new-world attitude to losers. The winner can go off with the prize and the one who comes last takes a tour of the field with the (American) flag.

I sincerely hope that Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News loses a very significant number of “watchers” as the American people seek accurate and reliable information from other channels. In fact I hope that they go down with their major draw-card, being trump, when his debts and court cases start to catch up with him.

It was a great relief to me when I learnt that a Presidential pardon can not remove trump from any state related legal issues ! I do believe that every democratic governor should sue trump for manslaughter based on pain and suffering for the family’s of Covid-19 victims.

Lastly I do hope that Melania Trump manages to keep Barron Trump away from the disaster zone. She seems to have done a good job up till now. Maybe a change of name would be a good idea for all those who realise the folly of trumps “reign-of-madness”.

Please, please wear a mask and KEEP SAFE,



Declining Wildlife


Read about the failing natural resources here.

ARMAGEDON is a very scary situation. This is not scare mongering or politically motivated it is a statement about “red warning signs of vital natural systems failure” and we MUST do something about it.

IMHO this fact is far more critical to the survival of the human race on this planet than the Covid-19 pandemic with   Worldwide: 1,213,886 dead and USA 232,617 with 1,130 today alone – 4 Nov, 2020 is almost “acceptable” from a planetary perspective (The 5th dynamic of the Levels of Responsibility for TheCode. ) for two significant reasons:

1 – the planet is overpopulated (the main cause of the ACCELERATED and extremes of Climate Change) so, even though it is a VERY brutal statement to make, realistically,  Covid-19 is helping the planet in this regard even though it is somewhat insignificant proportionally. The affected world population is 0.61% with deaths at 0.16 per 1000 people.

2 – people are NOT becoming extinct (yet) but animals are  and we are not doing anything approaching enough to ensure the ecological balance effect not to mention the SIGNIFICANT psychological benefit provided to a human mind by the company/love/relationships with nature.

Escaping to Mars (Elon Musk and Mars), as I have already stated, is actually a BAD move if all we are going to do is propagate the human virus (US!!). Elon addressing TedX is Boring. A plan for traffic management.

This is a TedX initiative is well worth following at this time. CountDown .


What is Amoral & the TrumpCult

Why do I spend so much time discussing trump?

The dictionary definintion of AMORAL  is : having or showing no concern about whether behavior is morally right or wrong.

At this time the most highly visible example of an amoral person is trump. I refuse to show any respect for the position of President of the United States while trump occupies that position. An amoral person does not deserve any RESPECT. Any person that supports him and continues to build the TrumpCult is an honorary member of the Church of Satan (or whatever the other Religions hold as equivalent).

My most frequent nightmare at this moment is that the American people will vote trump into power for a further 4 years. At the present time (8 Sept 2020) 43.3 % of Americans approve ( TrumpCult followers ) of trump’s behavior and with this % is rising at a time when he is busy proving to the world that he is a liar and a master of misinformation. This would seem to be the only thing that he is really good at. He does not care that nearly every statement that he makes is shown to be untrue within days of his making (and REPEATING) those statements. But, of course, having made the statement the TrumpCult take it as truth and, without bothering to fact-check anything he says, it is all very convincing and becomes fact in their minds.

How on earth can these people be so blind? Trying to understand what it is that really goes on in these peoples minds is my most urgent and most worrying concern at this time. Surely the absolute bullshit that Fox News broadcasts cannot really be the basis of the TrumpCult beliefs. I must admit that their interviews are quite convincing  BUT as soon as the question “What are your references and where is your support for issues which you claim as false-news?” is asked there is nothing but further misdirection. As an Australian I must add that I am embarrassed that Lachlan Murdoch allows his organisation to actively support the trump regime. Surely he must realise that trump is very busy destroying his own credibility with his ongoing fascist (must read!!!) activities. Or is America really pro fascist. (TrumpCult = 43.3%) ?????

If  America does wish to embrace fascism so be it. Their Constitution does grant them the freedom of choice to “indulge” in any religion (Cult??). However the Constitution FORBIDS RACISM (13th Amendment –  involuntary servitude) and caters for the removal of a President who has actually been Impeached. Whether he likes to admit it or not trump HAS BEEN IMPEACHED. The Republican Senate made the terrible decision to leave trump in office even though he had been impeached!

In addition trump should be impeached on the basis of being amoral which IS implied in the Constitution as being, at the very least a Misdemeanor !!

How can I state that trump is amoral?

Well. The best that trump can do about this list that I am going to place on record is that it is “FALSE-NEWS”. What is most interesting in that he DOES NOT DENY ANY OF THESE STATEMENTS/REPORTS/INTERVIEWS because then he would be lying. Bill Clinton was caught out with a lie. So what trump does is DEFLECTS any derogatory remark, report, claim or statement by denigrating the author and thus avoiding a direct reply and thus “not lying”. And too many Americans choose to accept this process as valid (decent??) behavior.  Anything that is not favorable to his chronic narcissism  is called “false-news”. The Nazi Regime were masters at mis-information. And trump has studied this art in great detail and, it saddens me to say, that this is one ability where trump exceeds any other person on the planet.

Down to ( a few ) of the MANY references that support the fact that trump is amoral :

Some dark truths.

He needs help.

Disrespect? Well actually no respect at all! No idea what it is.

No question is ever answered! Misleading info is SUPPORTED?

The Atlantic Report.

Disregard of the Services and actually people in general.

There are many, many more hours of this type of “frankness” on the net. And ALL of these are “fake-news” and the TrumpCult actually believes this is “fake-news”? Is this maybe a Lemming mentality?

And trump is the guy that the TrumpCult are supporting for President of the USA.  Good luck America,



Why Americans should vote for Biden

This post is a reproduction of a Quora “answer” :

The Question was:

Biden was the second most powerful man in the world for 8 years three and a half years ago. What did he do then? Why would you vote for him now?

This is a REPEAT OF THE ANSWER in case you are unable to get the link that is listed above.  Jude

Are you happier now? I was a lot happier under Obama/Biden. The country was safer. The economy was better. America was more respected. Its leaders weren’t an embarrassment.

They weren’t violating every ethical standard we ever had.

They weren’t dismissing major national security threats.

They weren’t writing off thousands of preventable deaths with blasé statements like “it is what it is.”

They weren’t putting the burden of our most pressing national problems onto the states and rejecting any responsibility for solving them.

They weren’t enriching themselves at taxpayer expense.

They weren’t taking the word of an enemy dictator over that of the American government.

They weren’t being friendlier to enemy dictators than close allies.

They weren’t starting costly trade wars.

They weren’t lying to the American people on an hourly basis.

They weren’t actively, intentionally enflaming tensions between Americans.

They weren’t demonizing millions of Americans.

They weren’t letting polluters run wild.

They weren’t complimenting neo-nazis and white supremacists.

They weren’t ignoring and downplaying the number one source of domestic terrorism.

They weren’t doing everything they can to kick Americans off their healthcare.

They weren’t getting impeached over coercing foreign leaders to benefit themselves personally.

They weren’t trying to sabotage the US Postal Service to manipulate their own election.

They weren’t pardoning accomplices of their own crimes.

They weren’t being called names like idiot, stupid, moron by their own top people.

They weren’t presiding over a government almost entirely run by unqualified donors, lobbyists, sycophants, family members, and ideologues.

They weren’t under constant investigation by multiple state and federal law enforcement agencies.

They weren’t disliked by the majority of the American people for virtually their entire time in office.

They weren’t bungling public health emergencies so badly that Canada and Europe shut their borders to Americans.

They weren’t letting the public health equivalent of a 9/11 happen every 2–3 days.

They weren’t losing more Americans than we lost in all of Vietnam or Word War I, in a matter of months.

They weren’t so incompetent that even justices who agreed with them felt compelled to rule against them, telling them to come back with a legal rationale that wasn’t so “contrived”.

They weren’t attacking and undermining the nation’s leading doctors and scientists amidst a national crisis.

They weren’t shutting their own government down three times in one year.

They weren’t keeping the government shut down longer than ever before.

They weren’t ordering staff to falsify records.

They weren’t trying to fire anyone who dared investigate crimes.

They weren’t calling for elections to be delayed so they could stay in office past the expiration of their term.

They weren’t being intentionally cruel and harmful to children as a “deterrent”.

They weren’t wishing indicted child sex traffickers well.

They weren’t gassing peaceful protestors for photo ops.

I could easily keep going, but if that’s not enough for you, nothing would be.

“What did he do then?”

Well, he dealt with two pandemics …and stopped them in their tracks.

He dealt with a major recession …and got us back on our feet, leading to the longest period of sustained private sector growth in US history.

He saved entire industries from going out of business.

He reduced the deficit substantially.

He negotiated numerous major international agreements with allies and adversaries alike.

He extricated us from a long and costly war.

He helped us hunt down our enemies instead of denying their existence, weakening us, and giving them propaganda wins.

He helped reduce discrimination in America’s workplaces, armed forces, and courthouses.

He helped console us in moments of sorrow.

He helped tens of millions of Americans gain healthcare.

Again, I could easily keep going, but the contrast is already so great, that I’d be wasting my time.

“Why would you vote for him now?”

The choice is between an abject failure, the most unfit president we’ve ever had, and possibly the most qualified presidential candidate we’ve ever had.

It’s between someone incapable of empathy, who doesn’t give a damn about you or your family, and a man known for his overflowing empathy and compassion.

Once again, I could keep drawing these contrasts, but if you aren’t already there, ten more won’t change a thing.

There’s no real choice here. I’m voting like my life depends on it, because it just might.

It’s time we returned to someone with dignity, compassion, and competence. The man-child has to go. The sleaziness must end. The grifter ought to leave. This ill-conceived experiment with empowering an ignorant amoral authoritarian nihilist didn’t work out. The tempestuous tweeter in the oval shaped office isn’t helping us. The lawless negligence of this faithless rage-machine must end. It’s time to put a grown-up back in charge.

The best description of Covid-19

The Ugandan President’s address to his nation.

Uganda President KAGUTA MUSEVENI warns against people misbehaving during this COVID-19 period, *”God has a lot of work, He has the whole world to look after. He cannot just be here in Uganda looking after idiots…”*.

Below is his reported statement.

“In a war situation, nobody asks anyone to stay indoors. *You stay indoors by choice.* In fact, if you have a basement, you hide there for as long as hostilities persist.

During a war, you *don’t insist on your freedom*. You willingly give it up in exchange for survival.

During a war, you *don’t complain of hunger.* You bear hunger and pray that you live to eat again

During a war, you *don’t argue about opening your business*. You close your shop (if you have the time), and run for your life. You pray to outlive the war so that you can return to your business (that’s if it has not been looted or destroyed by mortar fire).

During a war, you are *thankful to God for seeing another day in the land of the living*.

During a war, you *don’t worry about your children not going to school.* You pray that the government does not forcefully enlist them as soldiers to be trained in the school premises now turned military depot.

*The world is currently in a state of war. A war without guns and bullets. A war without human soldiers. A war without borders. A war without cease-fire agreements. A war without a war room. A war without sacred zones.*

The army in this war is without mercy. It is without any milk of human kindness. It is indiscriminate – it has no respect for children, women, or places of worship. This army is not interested in spoils of war. It has no intention of regime change. It is not concerned about the rich mineral resources underneath the earth. It is not even interested in religious, ethnic or ideological hegemony. Its ambition has nothing to do with racial superiority. *It is an invisible, fleetfooted, and ruthlessly effective army.*

Its only agenda is a harvest of death. It is only satiated after turning the world into one big death field. Its capacity to achieve its aim is not in doubt. Without ground, amphibious and aeriel machines, it has bases in almost every country of the world. Its movement is not governed by any war convention or protocol. In short, *it is a law unto itself. It is Coronavirus. Also known as COVID-19* (because it announced its destructive presence and intention in the year of our Lord 2019)

Thankfully, this army has a weakness and it can be defeated. It only requires our collective action, discipline and forbearance. *COVID-19 cannot survive social and physical distancing.* It only thrives when you confront it. It loves to be confronted. It capitulates in the face of collective social and physical distancing. It bows before good personal hygiene. It is helpless when you take your destiny in your own hands by keeping them sanitized as often as possible.

*This is not a time to cry about bread and butter like spoilt children.* After all, the Holy book tells us that man shall not live by bread alone. *Let’s obey and follow the instructions of the authorities.* Let’s flatten the COVID-19 curve. Let’s exercise patience. Let’s be our brothers’ keeper. *In no time, we shall regain our freedom, enterprise and socializing.”*

In the midst of EMERGENCY, we practice urgency of service and the urgency of love for others
God bless us all

👏👏👏,  the best and most intelligent public speech ever made during Covid-19. 🎩 off to him. SALUTE a great leader.

Pity he could not stand for Presidency of the USA. While trump acts like an ignorant African dictator President Museveni acts like a President!
