Conservatives and exp45 – Oct, 2023

Prompted by a question on Quora : Are all conservatives followers of trump?

I do not believe that anyone, least of all the so-called conservatives even know who they are any more. Those that have taken refuge in the Alternate Reality created by exP45 have lost all sense of who they are and who they want to be.

This Alternate Reality promises them that their innermost fears and desires will be resolved by a con-man who has appealed to their confusion, hate and selfishness to get them into the Alternate Reality. So successful has this con-man been that he still collects many millions of dollars from these people.

What they do not realize, yet, is that this Alternate Reality is an extension of The Apprentice. The difference between these two shows is that the participants in The Apprentice did understand that they were part of a fantasy. A TV show. And when the show ended they could move away from the TV and get on with their lives.

Bad News! When The Alternate Reality of exP45 is over (and may it be sooner rather than later) they are going to find that they are in a very terrible and frightening place. This was not what they expected at all. That place will be similar to the current situations that exist for the people of Russia and Israel. Do not scoff and stop reading! Have a serious think about the what it must be like to be a citizen of either of those countries!!

If you have any sympathy for exP45 or the slightest belief that he may, just may, be a good President of the USA read my brief synopsis of who trump really is here. The post was written in October, 2021.

exP45 has created his Alternate Reality based on the methods used by Putin, Netanyahu and Hitler. What is MAGA? Make America Great Again! Which in exP45s Alternate Reality is actually his recreation of The Third Reich. exP45 wishes to become the First dictator of the USA and use Americas Military Might to take over the rest of the world while he channels the American Treasury into his many personal bank accounts to make him richer than Elon Musk. Because he believes that he is the greatest genius on the planet he believes that once he has control of the USA, as dictator, his military genius will enable him to conquer all. All includes China, Russia and North Korea whom he will treat as pals until they do not agree to become part of HIS Alternative Reality. Absolute power corrupts ABSOLUTELY.

Fortunately the American DOJ is managing to strip away the shell of exP45s Alternate Reality and expose some of his genius con-man antics. Hopefully exP45s only legacy will be the greatest con-man on the planet. And hopefully the whole planet will wake up to the fact that exP45 must remain as the greatest con-man ever to exist. A valid claim when you accept that he conned sufficient Americans into electing him as President of the USA. Fortunately the American system of Democracy had (just) sufficient checks and balances to contain exP45 and prevent him becoming a dictator during his first (and only!!!)  4 years in the White House.

Not only most of the conservatives are supporting exP45, it is many American Citizens who are have the sad and self-destructive view that the Alternate Reality offered by exP45 will make them richer (GREED) and more elitist (GREED AGAIN).  I am afraid that YOU HAVE BEEN CONNED. You will ALL be considered as peasants in exP45s world if he achieves his ambitions. Rudy Giuliani is the perfect example of a truly committed exP45s follower!! And consider what has become of him since he has realized that The exP45 Alternate Reality is NOT the place to be.

All is not lost. There is hope. Step back and change the course of your life. Enjoy the power and beauty which a true American Democracy can provide. Give up on GREED. Give up the hatred generated by exP45s racist propaganda and regain personal happiness and dignity by resisting the worship of false idols (exP45 in this case) and follow The rCode which is  RRR as suggested in the ongoing project at Respect before Responsibility before Rights .

Keep safe, ianm



Putin and trump

A recent question on Quora about trump starts off with:

If trump is convicted …..

being another question on Quora which is actually just another promotion tweet for trump and not a question at all. However here is my answer. I believe it places the correct and factual emphasis on issues which are in the process of destroying democracy (and sanity?) in our world.

Not only if is convicted !!
He is already the worst traitor that America has ever had – convicted or not. He and Putin are soul mates because they behave in exactly the same manner (total self interest) and to hell with the rest of the world if it does not agree with me.
The most fortunate part of it all is that trump was not able to use the American military to further his objectives because because of American sane Generals like MJilley ( who should get the highest medal of honour available in the USA for saving the country from trumps utter madness).
That is the HUGE advantage of a democracy over a dictatorship. Putin is playing out his selfish objectives ie I am the greatest !! And I do not care who dies in the process of my proving that belief. Even if it is the rest of the world. Putin unfortunately has gained total control over the Russian people and keeps them totally misinformed about his real objectives and/or activities. Using the standard Nazi propaganda rule : Acuse your enemies of the crimes which you are committing !! It makes it all horribly confusing.
Maybe. Just maybe. Hopefully !!! Many of trumps supporters both in and out of the GOP will realise that trump is an totally incompetent version of Putin and that the horrers that Putin is commiting at this time (note on the people that Putin insists are his own people !!) is exactly what trump was hoping to do in his efforts to get back into the White House.
When are the trumpists going to wake up??



today in trumpland

Questions relating to exP45?

First and foremost. For a someone like exP45 to comment on President Joe Bidens mental acuity is rather cynical:


(with acknowledgment to Quora and those trying to tell  the truth as opposed to those who are promoting the trump name at every opportunity.) is a media platform which provides as broad an opportunity as possible for FREEDOM of SPEECH. Particularly relevant to the USA. It is very sad that so many trumpists, either paid or misinformed, use Quora as an advertising board to keep the name of exP45 (ie donald j. trump) in the spotlight. The good news is that these exP45 questions are becoming more and more inappropriate and illogical or even insane.

Here are a few of the memes about exP45 :






There is the hope, therefore, that these questions about exP45 are decreasing at the same rate as his popularity. Why?

Propaganda machine

At the time of writing (December 2021) the exP45 propaganda machine does seem to be losing momentum. More and more of the misinformed trump followers are seeing-the-light although :

There is still a frightening number of people who continue to be misled by exP45. The ablity he has for collecting donations is the most frightening aspect of exP45 and his followers.

The GOP is dead unless exP45 gets back in the White House.

A mid-year report on this subject here.  Most of this money is being paid to exP45s lawyers to try and keep him out of jail at this time (ed. Dec23)

The Department of Justice is steadily working its way through all the barricades that trump and his close followers have put in their way and getting closer and closer to the point where exP45 could finish up in jail before he manages to get back in the White House:

Many trump followers are also realizing that exP45’s never ending string of lies are being repeated too often and are becoming more and more crazy with repetition:



Supporting exP45 is a highway to future dissappointment:


Both ConMen and Gangsters: 

Whenever a exP45 supporter realises how amoral exP45 is they have to decide whether to a) get out of the trumpist influence or b) feed their own questionable morals and ethics to further their own GREED.  The bottom line is always GREED whether this be for riches or for power !!

Family mostly stay as supporters because they rely on exP45 for their income. An exception has been Mary Trump who has persistently warned the people of America that exP45 is the most dangerous man on the planet.

Especially when he has the power made available ti him in the White House.

In case you believe that Mary is all fake-news ( = exP45 does not agree)  then you must read Rick Kelley – Commander in Cheat.

People who have worked with or for exP45 have found out the hard way that if they stray-from-the-fold they will face the true and nasty exP45  recoil !!



Presidency :

Another term of Office?

While waiting for the count of the 2020 elections there was a significant number of Americans who were convinced that exP45 would stay in the White House. At this time I am hoping that this is what will happen:

Wake up exP45 supporters PLEASE !  For the sake of America ! Not necessarily for yourselves, because you cannot change the GREED that inspires you to support trump, but for country that provided you with the opportunity to get what you have right now.

A promise that I can make to you, because I sincerely believe this, is that exP45 will only make America a LOT WORSE than he did in his first term in the White House. Please revisit all the achievements above !!!

Please understand

that exP45is not in the least interested in the Presidency of the USA. He is only interested in:

1. getting back into the White House which will allow him to

2. have another crack at turning America into a dictatorship by destroying any confidence in a democracy and in turn

3. (following in the footsteps of Putin’s Russia) making himself the FIRST DICTATOR OF THE (disunited)USA.

4. Putin (making a typical trump-type promise) has probably promised exP45 that he will be made #1 boss of the world (MegaDictator?) when exP45 hands the USA over to Putin, one piece at a time.

And if you sincerely believe that exP45 is the father figure you need for your own children and that he will make YOU PERSONALLY and instantly wealthy ( and happy and content ) when he becomes MegaDictator I fear for the whole world not only the decline of America, but all it (used to) stand for.

Failing the truth test against TheRcode is the final testament to how bad exP45 really is. Try it.

RESPECT then Responsibility then Rights

IanM (dec 2023)






forget trump

The best solution is to FORGET trump. If America to going to calm down the current political divide and reestablish itself as a world leader where Americans can have some dignity by showing RESPECT to each other regardless of political belief, race, colour or creed then this is the only solution. In fact it would be a far more suitable end to trump’s life if he could be FORGOTTEN. Any legal process that may be successful will only make trump a martyr for his cult followers. Are they really prepared to re-enact the Manson debacle with their country in the balance?

All of the ALLEGED actions which trump was supposed to have achieved are figments of trump’s amoral imagination and the only reason they are so passionately believed by the trump cult is because he repeated them so often in his process of convincing himself that they were true. He has convinced his followers that he “won the election” and that “the election was fraudulent” because he has convinced himself that these falsehoods are true. Please study the characteristics of a total narcissist to establish the truth of this statement.

The main factor delaying the burial of the 1462 days of trump’s destructive administration is the ongoing reporting of trump’s every move by the media. FoxNews’ carefully manipulated and selective reporting in particular. I suggest that this is inevitable because of public interest during the demise of a VERY successful conman. The only real “claim to fame” which trump is entitled to is that he has perpetrated the biggest, most destructive, most expensive (in both money from the American Treasury and lives as Covid-19 deaths edge towards 500,000) CON that has ever been carried out on this planet. And we have to hope and pray that the trump cult wakes up to this fact sooner rather than later.

The King of the Con Artist and an associated crown should be the only remaining legacy for trump. EVERYTHING else needs to be forgotten as soon as possible.

PLEASE pass this on to any trump follower that you may know.

Impeachments of trump by TheCode

1700 Saturday,  13/Feb/2021 (US EST)

The GOP (excluding 7 out of 50) have just demonstrated:
a) that they do not understand the oath that they have taken AND
b) that they are hiding behind TheLaw when their duty lies ABOVE TheLaw AND
c) that they abdicated from their RESPONSIBILITIES (in exactly the same way that they did not remove Senator Greene from “active duty” in the Senate and left it to the Democratic Party “to do the right thing”! And take “the blame”.)

They voted NO and  trump returns to his “normal”, amoral, narcissistic, lying political career. I guess with his character somewhat lower than it was before. But he got away with a crime which he DID commit against THE MAJORITY of Americans AND the Constitution of the USA. And, in the process,  set up America as the richest banana republic in the world.

The Oath of Office:

When these Senators took the oath of office they clearly did not have any understanding of the RESPONSIBILITY level demanded of them by that oath. See here.  This is that oath:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

The oath does not tie the Senator to the wishes of their constituents (the voters that put them into power),  IT TIES THEM TO UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES against all enemies including DOMESTIC enemies. This clearly makes any Senator RESPONSIBLE for defending THE COUNTRY. Especially when they need to act to defend the Constitution from the wishes of any person or group who is/are damaging the Constitution in any way. Rather like a parent who is RESPONSIBLE for ensuring that their children obey the law.  One wonders what the trump political party (TPP)  would do if they were asked who they would rather have AS AN EXAMPLE FOR THEIR CHILDREN. Would it be President Joe Biden (regardless of his political beliefs) or the thug trump?

Remember that The President is a role model for all the children, 370+ million people in the USA and (in the case of the USA) the rest of the world, who look to The USA as the only power in the world that can keep both China and Russia to some level of accountability. So this in fact means that the TPP is prepared to get their children to use the behavior of trump as an example of the lives that those children should lead. Especially if they wish to become the President of the USA. ??? These Senators have set a precedent which says that the president can do exactly as he wishes.  The death toll from Covid-19 is rapidly approaching 500,000 as President Biden and the best team he could put in place, battles to fill the vacuum of care that trump left behind him. Without any care or remorse. Probably without actually even being aware of the consequences of his disregard and mis-information.

A Senator therefore takes the RESPONSIBILITY of ensuring the enforcement (as well as the support and defense!!) of the Constitution.  And Congress, guided by discussion and voting  (under the oath of office) are able to represent the majority of USA (Joe Biden had SEVEN MILLION – 7,000,000 – more votes than trump, fortunately for the USA) to make decisions which are FAR MORE SIGNIFICANT than TheLaw.  TheLaw which, incidentally, trump has treated with complete disdain ever since he had the power to do so. Probably about the age of 15 or so!!!

The oath commits a Senator to support and defend  The Constitution ON WHICH THE LAW IS (SUPPOSED TO BE) BASED. The responsibility that is acknowledged by taking The Oath is far greater than the responsibility of supporting and defending The Law. That is to ensure that the people of the country are served, protected and guided by The Constitution and that TheLaw is kept up-to-date and in-line with the technology and the knowledge of the current times.

The failure of TheLaw to support and defend The Constitution or TheCode which is  RRR (Respect before Responsibility before Rights) is discussed here. The Constitution of the United States is very much in keeping with TheCode but the politicians, who are mostly lawyers, and the lowlife, using wordcraft/rhetoric have managed  twist the meaning of many of the words to suit their own immediate opinions, desires and aberrations.

The Technicality and TheLaw:

The trump political party (TPP) which (seems to) consist of a majority of the GOP at this time used a technicality to escape the RESPONSIBILITY of adhering to their oath of office.

Ed note: I do not understand why the vote was not taken in camera. Especially as the impeachment trial was under the cloud of trump thuggery and careers (if not lives) was under the threat by any display of disloyalty to trump. Will follow this up later.

This technicality is based on TheLaw and NOT The Constitution as they would like to believe. The Constitution of the USA caters for the Impeachment of a President of the USA see here for full details.

Judgment in Cases of Impeachments shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust, or Profit under the United States, but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment, and Punishmnet, according to Law.

The wording here makes it clear that the Impeachment process includes the disqualifications listed.  It does not in any way suggest that Impeachment has to take place before the disqualification process as was stated by trump (ineffective and semantic manipulating) lawyers. Read the definition again and it becomes clear that the duties of the Senate ARE ABOVE THE LAW AND ARE SUBJECT TO THE OATH OF OFFICE.


RRR (Respect before Responsibility before Rights) provides a simple  explanation of RESPONSIBILITY here.  The TTP have clearly demonstrated that they do not even qualify for Level 1 (Self).

Surely they must realize that no-one, and I mean NO-ONE, not a single person,  has the ability to maintain loyalty to trump for any length of time.  The amoral thuggery to which trump is prepared to stoop means that at some time soon that person WILL be told (not asked) to do something which will require action/s beyond their moral “tolerance” and you will go the same way as VP Pence. Thug trump had a pretty good go at murdering him.

If one cannot realistically take care of one’s SELF you cannot even understand the RESPONSBILITY for  a FAMILY, or even a GROUP (the GOP) never mind a COUNTRY of 370+ people and the infrastructure on which it depends.

So, I guess, one really cannot expect any such person to even understand that they must destroy any threat to their COUNTRY over and above FAMILY or SELF. Which is of course honoring The Oath which the Senators took on entering Office and BEFORE THEY COULD CARRY OUT ANY OFFICIAL DUTIES.

The creators of The Constitution were even smarter than they are credited for by keeping The Constitution simple and free of misdirecting qualifications which could encourage lawyers to play semantics with the interpretation.

Defending the Constitution in keeping with The Oath is as simple as they could possibly have made the impeachment process.

I guess Politicians = Lawyers (The convolution of TheLaw) = a terrible confluence of two of RRR (Respect before Responsibility before Rights) major Problems.

How sad!


PS. As I finish off this Post, which could have proved to be a very simple course of action for impeaching trump, it strikes me that maybe Mitch MConnell’s final words on the subject need to be followed through. I think he was saying: trump is guilty and he should be removed FROM POLITICS entirely and furthermore the legal (judiciary) system has the ability to do this for us without our (GOP’s) need to risk the stability of the GOP or personal risk.  J

PPS.  Sunday 14 Feb 1700 EST US

This is an excellent summation of the Impachment Trial :

An answer placed on Quora ( by Thomas Crowne. Well said, Jude.

The trump wasn’t convicted for a number of reasons. Firsly here are Mitch McConnell’s own words.

“January 6th was a disgrace. American citizens attacked their own government. They used terrorism to try to stop a specific piece of democratic business they did not like. Fellow Americans beat and bloodied our own police. They stormed the Senate floor. They tried to hunt down the Speaker of the House. They built a gallows and chanted about murdering the Vice President.They did this because they had been fed wild falsehoods by the most powerful man on Earth — because he was angry he’d lost an election. Former President Trump’s actions preceding the riot were a disgraceful dereliction of duty. The House accused the former President of, quote, ‘incitement.’ That is a specific term from the criminal law. Let me put that to the side for one moment and reiterate something I said weeks ago: There is no question that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of that day. The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their President. And their having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories, and reckless hyperbole which the defeated President kept shouting into the largest megaphone on planet Earth.The issue is not only the President’s intemperate language on January 6th. It is not just his endorsement of remarks in which an associate urged ‘trial by combat.’ It was also the entire manufactured atmosphere of looming catastrophe; the increasingly wild myths about a reverse landslide election that was being stolen in some secret coup by our now-President. I defended the President’s right to bring any complaints to our legal system. The legal system spoke. The Electoral College spoke. As I stood up and said clearly at the time, the election was settled.”But that reality just opened a new chapter of even wilder and more unfounded claims. The leader of the free world cannot spend weeks thundering that shadowy forces are stealing our country and then feign surprise when people believe him and do reckless things. Sadly, many politicians sometimes make overheated comments or use metaphors that unhinged listeners might take literally. This was different. This was an intensifying crescendo of conspiracy theories, orchestrated by an outgoing president who seemed determined to either overturn the voters’ decision or else torch our institutions on the way out.The unconscionable behavior did not end when the violence began. Whatever our ex-President claims he thought might happen that day… whatever reaction he says he meant to produce… by that afternoon, he was watching the same live television as the rest of the world. A mob was assaulting the Capitol in his name. These criminals were carrying his banners, hanging his flags, and screaming their loyalty to him. It was obvious that only President Trump could end this. Former aides publicly begged him to do so. Loyal allies frantically called the Administration. But the President did not act swiftly. He did not do his job. He didn’t take steps so federal law could be faithfully executed, and order restored. Instead, according to public reports, he watched television happily as the chaos unfolded. He kept pressing his scheme to overturn the election! Even after it was clear to any reasonable observer that Vice President Pence was in danger… even as the mob carrying Trump banners was beating cops and breaching perimeters… the President sent a further tweet attacking his Vice President. Predictably and foreseeably under the circumstances, members of the mob seemed to interpret this as further inspiration to lawlessness and violence. Later, even when the President did halfheartedly begin calling for peace, he did not call right away for the riot to end. He did not tell the mob to depart until even later. And even then, with police officers bleeding and broken glass covering Capitol floors, he kept repeating election lies and praising the criminals. In recent weeks, our ex-President’s associates have tried to use the 74 million Americans who voted to re-elect him as a kind of human shield against criticism. Anyone who decries his awful behavior is accused of insulting millions of voters.That is an absurd deflection.74 million Americans did not invade the Capitol. Several hundred rioters did. And 74 million Americans did not engineer the campaign of disinformation and rage that provoked it.

“One person did.”

Now on the surface, those words seem powerful, until you realize that Mitch McConnell did not vote to convict Failure 45. He publicly admits that not only was Douche 45 responsible for the attack on the Capitol, he also admits that the justification for that attack, that Disgrace 45 lost the election due to fraud, is complete bullshit based on lies and conspiracy theories dreamed up by liars and bought and swallowed by morons.

But he did not vote to convict. Now I’ll answer your question.

Fuhrer 45 was not convicted because (A)the majority of the members of his political party, who are elected officials, know he’s guilty but are spineless cowards who are afraid of his base of racists, bigots and morons; (B)others in the Senate, and everyone else throughout this country, who genuinely believe Wants To F*ck His Daughter 45 did nothing wrong, are just as amoral as he is.

Compulsive liar? They don’t care.

Got tens of thousands of innocent Americans killed due to incompetence, apathy, and stupidity? Doesn’t matter.

Raging narcissist? Still their kind of guy.

Racist and bigot? They love him even more and want him to come over for a home visit.

End PPS.