A message from TheVirus

There is a lot of discussion about Covid-19. The trump’s total irresponsibility with regard to the virus has resulted in 227,682 DEATHS in the USA alone (30/Oct/2020). He is responsible for a large proportion of these deaths. And the White House are accessories to this fact. Like it or not. The Republican Party have ENCOURAGED this horrible behavior by their inaction and SUPPORT of an amoral sociopath. And they all knew this in Jan or Feb this year. Plus this brave attempt to get ALL of you to understand what you have done  Trump Insane is dangerous . You really should all be charged with genocide.  Seriously.

This is the Caronavirus !! speaking ! Please answer my question.

The American people are voting to show what THEIR UNDERLYING CHARACTER REALLY IS. The “outside” world is waiting with a high degree of fear because if trump does get “another 4 years” the whole world will be having a hard time.

Essentially America will show the world whether they are a selfish, narrow minded and ignorant country willing to live in isolation from the rest of the world – being the biggest bully on the planet guided by their modern Hitler -OR- will America choose a new President.

I am still a believer that people are basically good! With this thought I have faith in the good and I think (sincerely hope!!!) that the vote counts will be so overwhelmingly in favour of Joe Biden that the “late counts” will not be needed.



The greatest loss that human beings suffer at the moment is the LOSS OF DIGNITY. Wikipedia on DIGNITY: HERE. One of the strongest attributes of a gentleman is DIGNITY.

TheCode (RRR Respect before Responsibility before Rights), above all else, can provide a pathway for each and every person to re-establish some level of personal DIGNITY. We can temper every action that we take with the question “Does, what I am about to do, rate positively when evaluated against TheCode ? ” TheCode provides an escape from the extremes of Religion and Politics.

If we apply TheCode, to the highest level of Responsibility which we are capable of, then we are able to maintain our DIGNITY. We also deserve RESPECT although we must always understand that we have the RIGHT to be RESPECTED but that RESPECT must still be given and cannot be taken (for granted). If we have done all that we are capable of but we still do not get the RESPECT that we deserve (no matter what the reason may be) we can maintain our dignity by respecting another’s point of view.

Dignity and the USA.

Sting does a great song about DIGNITY which describes a gentleman in New York. In general terms Americans do not place a lot of importance on DIGNITY and trump provides an extreme example of lack of dignity. In fact if you look up the antonym for dignity , it pretty well sums up trump’s character. And trump’s supporters, the trump cult, are a representation of the “takers” of the planet. They epitomise the mis-interpretation of the 2nd Amendment.

Joe Biden is the opposite to trump in every way possible. Joe Biden has DIGNITY and he represents a potential “New American Culture” whereas many of the cult followers of trump are beginning to understand that “The Old Republican Culture” based on “Profits are everything” is not a viable, practical or intelligent basis for a successful democracy.

We must start to realise that the only way that we can survive as a species is to share the riches that planet Earth provides with ALL the life forms that exist to maintain the balance of our ecology.

I believe that good will eventually triumph over bad. What trump has succeeded in doing is clearly and painfully demonstrating that America needs to change their culture away from “The Old Republican Culture” . I also believe (14 days away from the 2020 US Election) that Joe Biden is going to have landslide victory in his battle for the White Hose. Especially if trump continues his current “Fun Reality Shows” around the country.

My only wish is that Joe Biden could adopt TheCode to use as his moral compass to redirect the HUGE power of the American Culture away from the trump cult which has now been so clearly identified.

Dignity and Japan.

Unlike America  Japan respects DIGNITY. A significant characteristic of the Japanese is that they do not tolerate any loss of “face”. It is very important to uphold ones DIGNITY which is what I understand to be “face”. They, like every other nation on the planet, have suffered under the rule of one “trump” or another. They, too, have displayed lack of humanity at some point in their history but their is a dignity about the Japanese which appeals to my sense of well-being.

Dignity and the UK.

The terms GENTLEMAN and DIGNITY have a lot in common. When one compares the cultures of the USA and the UK they are very different even though they are the two most powerful nations in the Western World that are essentially based on a Christian doctrine. When a person thinks about GENTLEMAN there is an immediate association with Britain and, before it became a professional sport, cricket. To quote:

I say old chap. That really is not cricket you know.

So there was a politeness about social intercourse which was practiced by a gentleman so as to maintain a sense of dignity.

Dignity and Australia.

Australia is different, original and downright irreverent in many ways. Dignity is not respected and in fact it is often mocked in a rather crude manner. But to give credit where it is due, this is normally done without malice and stems from a weird and very Australian social attitude known as  “being a larrican“.  This cavalier attitude to dignity has resulted in  a major cultural class with the stupidity of Political Correctness.

Another scream for the KISS application of TheCode where the only flexibility lies with the level of responsibility which needs to be considered.


If one can project a calm impression of DIGNITY throughout life this will result in self-confidence, self-pride (as opposed to boastful I-did-it pride), self-esteem and the projection of calm and authoritative well-being.

I am going to re-visit many of the posts and pages of this website to emphasize the inportance of self-esteem and DIGNITY.




The Bible is obsolete

The dictionary definition of obsolete includes the word venerable. It is OK to venerate The Bible but we must appreciate that all the wisdom and guidance provided by the authors of the many books in The Bible were “talking to” the people of that time. The commandments, the do’s-and-dont’s were structured to guide people of “Those times”.

“Those times” had a different set of requirements for survival of the human race and the requirements for the RESPECT of the Spiritual Universe and Infinity ( GOD as the 7th and 8th dynamic of The 8 dynamics ).

The 1st and 2nd dynamics deal with the Self and Family. During “Those times” the survival, educational development and expansion of the Family was fundamental to the survival of the human race. The 3rd dynamic (Groups and Religion) was a very high level of responsibility at that time and was intended to provide the knowledge about how to RESPECT GOD. Children were very important, not only to support the family and support the parents in their old age, when their knowledge was reaching its prime, but also to expand the population and pioneer the expansion into the furthest regions of the planet. All this to ensure the survival of the human race.

The survival of the human race at this time has virtually the opposite challenges to “Those times”. I am not talking about the under-developed countries but the majority of the current 7 billion+ people that occupy the planet and who are now causing the greatest damage to the planet. Today we are faced with over-population as problem number one with regard to the acceleration of climate change. And one of the greatest “problems” with over-population is the fact that the parents (and grandparents) are no longer required as the source of knowledge. Yeh! That is pretty brutal but the knowledge that the parents and the grandparents do have is the importance of nature and most of the population, in these terrible times,  is only concerned with exercising their RIGHTS and getting away with as many of the Seven Deadly Sins as possible. With regards to knowledge that was necessary for the education of the children in “Those times”, as provided by the parents and grandparents, is frequently invalid, superseded, inappropriate or obsolete. Global knowledge is now available on the web or TV. Separating the right from the wrong and the valid news from the fake-news is another problem entirely. Once again this is not applicable to the under-developed areas of the world.

It is time to accept that The Bible cannot be used to solve the problems of the present generation. It is the ultimate source of historic detail and religious considerations. It provides a reference for most religions and should never be discounted with regards to that function. But it’s limitations must be accepted. The Bible can and will provide comfort and purpose for many lives and assist many people in finding peace and comfort and respect for nature.

BUT it is time for more people to accept greater levels of RESPONSIBILITY and expand their life-styles to include awareness of, and contributions to the 4th and 5th dynamics (Country and Planet).

If we do not increase our levels of RESPONSIBILITY and adopt TheCode then we are acting like Lemmings and following trump into the abyss of ARMAGEDDON.

You do not ever have to sacrifice any of your beliefs to step up to greater RESPONSIBILITY.

Go back to the bottom of TheCode page  and listen to Barack Obama’s address to ASU in 2009.


RRR (Respect before Responsibility before Rights)


Lewis Hamilton – BLM is not enough

The Formula 1 community created a really excellent motto for 2020 in the light of the new wave of world-wide Black Protests which has been re-ignited by the protests in the USA. The origination of these protests in the USA and the repercussions around the world, aggravated by the Covid-19 pandemic, warrants an additional volume of the Encyclopedia Brittanica so we will not attempt to cover the subject here.

We Race As One

was an absolutely brilliant slogan and most appropriate for the Formula 1 community which has a very significant place in the world at this time. Even if you are not a fan, as such. We Race As One crystalised the essence of Formula 1 and its true sporting culture. In Formula 1 we have an amazing cross section of many countries, many companies and many people from all walks of life competing against each other using the most sophisticated equipment and technologies available to the automotive industry on the planet. People are not a problem in Formula 1. Every person has RESPECT for every other person in the sport because if it was not for the presence of ALL of them working together and taking complete RESPONSIBILITY for their own part of the operation it could simply never work as a whole. The Formula 1 drivers are certainly the Knights of their time driving the finest four-wheel vehicles that technology can create.

And now in the midst of this wonderful spectacle we have an individual demanding/promoting/insisting on his RIGHTS. Based on his GREED we know that Lewis Hamilton busy on two fronts within Formula 1;

Firstly he has not yet signed his contract with Mercedes-Benz (Toto Wolff) because he is confident that he can bully Toto Wolff into a more exorbitant amount of money than he was getting at the end of 2019. This is driven by Lewis’s GREED for money which, of course, also increases his fame. As at 10 Aug, 2020 this contract has not yet been resolved. My personal belief is that Lewis is bringing Mercedes into disrepute at this time and he should be released from his contract entirely. This would remove his opportunity for his 7th world championship with Mercedes. Their car is so superior that there are many drivers that could replace Lewis and win the constructors championship with Valerie Bottas but Totto would most certainly risk the wrath of Mercedes if that went wrong. Very tough call!!

Secondly Lewis is promoting his GREED for power by shifting the wonderful non-polarising slogan We Race as One into a racist polarizing association with Black Lives Matters by his talk about he-feels-it-is-his-duty to ensure that Formula 1 must increase the percentage number of black-people in Formula 1. This whole issue is turned into kneel-to-the-power of us poor under trodden and misunderstood black races on the planet. This is true racism! This is the manipulation of the rest of the Formula 1 community into showing preferential treatment for blacks as opposed to any other race creed or colour. This is a polarisation of the black vs. white issue which should not even exist in the first place. It sure as hell does not (did not !! ) exist in the Formula 1 paddock until it was promoted by Lewis. How the hell did he get where he is today if there was a reluctance to have black people in the Formula 1 community. RIGHTS are given not taken or demanded and here we have this egotistical black man demanding preferential RIGHTS for black people while using his gifted driving ability to manipulate the Formula 1 community into doing his bidding while he wears a Black Lives Matter Tee-shirt. Shame on Mercedes-Benz and shame on the Formula 1 community for contributing to the polarisation of a black vs. white gutter fight which CANNOT BE WON and which will never be won because it simply SHOULD NOT EXIST. Certainly not is F1. This is a very clear example of POLARISATION.

The proclamation that We Race As One says it ALL. It is entirely in keeping with The-Code, it is not sexist, racist or anti-ANYTHING. It says it as it should be and that we are ALL in this together. We practice  RRR (Respect before Responsibility before Rights) and when we do judge (because we all do, we are entitled to do so and we would not be human if we did not) we maintain the principles of RRR (Respect before Responsibility before Rights) which maintains our DIGNITY.

While I am on about Lewis’s unforgivable contortion and polarisation of a situation which basically did not exist in Formula 1 before,  I wish to raise a third but unrelated issue. Lewis is unquestionably the most successful Formula 1 driver at this time. I do not accept that he is THE BEST on the grid at this time but he most certainly is VERY competent, very consistent and has the ability to do the most extraordinary things in a racing car. It has even been said, during commentary, that he does not make mistakes or certainly makes very few mistakes. It is therefore rather a backhanded compliment to his ability to question whether his recent “mistakes” (in particular his TWO “mistakes” when taking out Alex Albon and thus preventing Alex from getting his, well deserved, podium positions and also ensuring that Red Bull did not gain too many points against Mercedez Benz) were not clinically calculated and successfully executed driving maneuvers. He certainly has managed to destroy Alex’s driving confidence and possibly remove a potential future threat to his dominance because Rd-Bull have to consider that Alex is not tough enough to warrant his seat at Red Bull.

A very interesting twist to my thoughts about Lewis Hamilton are, of course, that my thoughts are fake-news. They are motivated by jealousy because I do not have his money, racism because I dont’t like blacks and sexism ??………….??……….?? (no idea)!! Oh yeah it definitely is “very unfair” of me to criticise the guy.

Well just think about it and evaluate Lewis’s actions (and words) in terms of The-Code. He sure will not come up with a very good score.


What is the Economy


Check the figures below.

This shows the frightening, manipulated way that the GDP figures are presented to the people. This actually means that they are totally meaningless because TWO-THIRDS  of the GDP is Personal Consumption Expenditure. This means that if the gov. gives $5bn to seniors in the country and they spend it all (Which seniors will mostly do !!  And exactly as was done by our Labor Gov. at some point recently – to reduce the effect of the recession) then the GDP would go up $5bn. How artificial can you get?? There is absolutely no PRODUCTIVITY involved in that action but the GDP reflects an additional $5bn. So the current state of the nation IS NOT ACTUALLY REFLECTED BY GDP at this time.  Furthermore this is exacerbated by the fact that money ( as printed by the Treasury ) is no longer backed by gold.

I always believed that the Personal Consumption bit was the $ of Goods PRODUCED, MANUFACTURED, FARMED and MINED plus SERVICES PROVIDED (and taxed by GST!!!). This would be true PRODUCTIVITY.

This information provided shows the numbers that are fed to the people. They are not based on economic reality but on political expediency. Note that the Personal Consumption Expenditure is inhibited by Income Tax BUT lowering Income Tax (which gives people more money to spend) directly REDUCES the government General Revenue.

I have a lot of research to do on this one. Will keep you informed.
