Responsibility vs. Morality

GREED remains our Number 1 Problem at this time.

GREED is what drives people to commit most of our crimes. Who was it that said crime does not pay?

GREED is what defines the level of RESPONSIBILITY that we gravitate towards when we are making decisions. The benefits to self are more important, as an opinion based on greed, than any benefit which may accrue to Groups or Country. And who has the mental capacity to consider the Planet before Country or before Groups?

In turn Morality frequently requires decisions based on RESPONSIBILITY. Without considering the levels of RESPONSIBILITY ,  when deciding what is moral (or ethical), any decision can become very complex as defined by Immanuel Kant in the Categorical imperative.  By adhering to the KISS principle I believe that TheCode makes moral decisions simpler and more effective because RESPONSIBILITY provides a level which can be addressed by the decision being taken.

Thus we have a distinct relationship between Morality, Greed and Responsibility.

How does Morality tie into TheCode. I return to my ultimate benchmark of EVIL being trump. When a person is amoral it means that they are simply unaware of morality. When that person, particularly if they completely narcissistic,  wants to do something it is their decision and they will decide whether it is good or bad,  nice or nasty, rewarding or challenging based on how they feel about it. Any external opinion, assessment or evaluation is not even remotely of concern to them. If unfavourable or negative (to them) such “opinions” are “fake news” because they are “not real” TO THEM. That person is after all  the universe to themselves. Nothing else is of any importance whatsoever.

The oath of the president of the USA was totally meaningless to him. That oath signifies an acceptance of RESPONSIBILITY  for a country, its economy and the lives of nearly 400 MILLION people. Not an oath to protect himself or his family or  a  political party. In return the USA undertook to protect The President no matter what the cost! That was the contract.

When trump took the oath of Presidency of the USA it was, to him, just another contract, which he would weasel out of,  if it became inconvenient at any point. In the same way that it was a very regular activity of trump’s to refuse to pay his contractors for work done. In the same way that he did not consider the welfare of anyone other than HIMSELF. And the adoration of his fans whom he had persuaded that he was “THE BEST”. After all it was his RIGHT to refuse to pay if he decided that there was something that he could find fault with regarding any contract that he ever entered. Real or imagined did not matter (no morality) as long as he could reduce costs for that job. $100,000 dollars worth of lawyers fees was a profitable exchange for $780,000 worth of work and materials. The contractor could not afford the $100,000 because he was already out of pocket for far more than that amount on the contract. In trumps view an excellent outcome and good business. To trump the oath was “just another contract”! And lawyers were just a cost of doing business.

With regard to “his people” as long as they continued to worship at the shrine of the trump and maintain “loyalty” to the trump cult, all was well and “they were great people”. As soon as you disagreed, in any way whatsoever, trump would be out to “get you”. Even have you killed! As he instructed the mob to do with Nancy Pelosie and Mike Pence on 6th January.

The oath was “just another contract” which trump broke every time he lied, misinformed, avoided comment, avoided the truth, ignored racism, ignored violence and last of all encouraged violence to try and maintain his position of worship as president of the USA. He was never remotely concerned about ANY of his RESPONSIBILITIES. He was only concerned about SELF. The absolute bottom level of the RESPONSIBILITY scale. He was only concerned about being admired for his actions which he frequently misrepresented to the American People. All the lying he did to the American People is what led them to believe what a “wonderful person” he was and what led the people to violent actions on his behalf.

With regard to trumps impeachment hearing and the senate vote :   Trump may not be impeached (writing this 12/2 1040 my time = 11/2 1940 EST US) because the Republican Senators believe that they can vote for the GOP above, and before accepting responsibility for,  THE OATH which they themselves have taken when becoming senators and part of The Congress.

The impeachment should be based on the fact that trump took actions AGAINST the oath of office which he swore to uphold when he became president. Inciting the riots of January 6 was the final act of denial of trump’s oath of office. This act broke his contract WITH THE AMERICAN PEOPLE (all Americans). As he destroyed that contract so he should be impeached which should ensure that he does not enjoy a single benefit as a result of HAVING BEEN a President of the USA. No pension, no security, no travel and no title. Just another American thug.

The Republican Senators, themselves, are in fact in breach of their own respective oaths of office by letting trump off the hook. Their oath was to protect THE AMERICAN PEOPLE (all of them as a whole) and not just to protect their cult leader from loosing face, popularity and his ability to collect funds for their Party. That oath is taken by Senators because it raises (well, supposed to raise!) them above self, above the party and (should!!) force them to take a higher lever of responsibilitiy for THE COUNTRY and all of its people. Peacefully.

We will see whether the Republican Party is capable of honoring their oath, their contract with the people of the USA and not just consider RESPONSIBILITY  for themselves and maybe their Party but for the USA.

Keep safe,  Jude

THE opposite for RESPECT.

Today I realized what the counter/opposite/balancing  emotion, feeling or action is for the word RESPECT. The word is (not) FEAR.

Ed. 13/1/2025 FEAR is not correct. After years revisiting this post I have decided that the opposite of RESPECT is LIES.

Once again I use exP45 (Donald J trump ) as the most successful LIAR known to me at this time (Jan 2025). He lied and falsified information to achieve the Presidency of the USA in 2016 and again in 2024. His ability to subvert the US DOJ (Department of Justice) dates back to his days when he was taught his streetsmarts  by his father. For a complete overview of  who exP45 really is see HERE.

During his first term of office fact checking his public statements for 4 years amounted to over 30,000 lies. This is not political heresay these are facts from many sources on the internet. The dark net is the only place I can trace any claim that this is not so. Unfortunately exP45’s followers ALL live in exP45’s Alternate Reality where exP45 consistently repeats his lies to the extent that they have become true (real) for his followers and exP45’s claims of fake-news (when anything does not suit his reality) are accepted and believed.

These are the basic principles of the Nazi groups who advocate that if any LIE is repeated often enough it will be believed. This has proved to be the basis of exP45s success to the extent that they believe that anything anti-trump is in effect fake-news or political misinformation.

I do, however, realise that using exP45 as an example is not really appropriate for the promoton of The-rCode as no matter how exP45 is viewed it has become a political nightmare of fake-news, fake-fake-news, lies and  misinformation.

This does however provide an extremely scary view of what LIES can achieve no matter what percentage of them may be political or non-political, fact or fiction, truth or misinformation OR, the ultimate confusion caused by half-truths.

As soon as misleading statements are made, whether lies or half-truths, they instill confusion and or hate, fear and even chaos in the ranks of the recipients. Even more so when the lies or half-truths are being spoken from a pulpit of institutions as high, powerful and globally influential as the Presidency of the USA.

Just consider how many relationships (particularly in current movies and TV shows) are ended abruptly and emotionally because of some LIE or omission to tell the truth.


Hence half of America voted exP45 back into the White House for a second time. I sincerely hope that the fact that he is now a proven felon will enable the American Intelligence Agencies to clearly state that their job descriptions deny them the ability to pass on any information to criminals.

Edit: 7 Feb, 2025. fP47 – felon 47th President – has overcome this problem by firing any and all federal staff who have any power whatsoever to stop his march to ownership of the US Treasury. Anything else, such as the Gaza disaster, are merely sideshows where fp47 has the opportunity to demonstrate his TOTAL lack of leadership.

At this time I am completely confused by the role that Elon Musk wants to play in Americas downfall???

Which is a another barrier to keep the truth separate from the LIES.

Polarization and politicization of RACISM

Elsewhere I have identified that RACISM is a product of Politics and continues to be “promoted” as what I call a “political football” (An issue which enables governments to justify the payment of large sums of money while they promote another achievement or political gain (one-up-man-ship) on “the opposition”.)

The real problem which is ignored and “never discussed” is exposed below with a “letter” from Jacinta Price.

TheCode provides a solution to the issues raised here because domestic violence, racism and sexism can all be resolved by addressing all of these issues in two ways; ONE – educate all people to understand and practice the code (for their own survival and their own DIGNITY) and TWO – provide the people to do the education AND the enforcement of TheCode while the education process catches up!!

Here are a couple of letters which identify THE PROBLEM and separates THE PROBLEM from the political agendas throughout the world:

These are the words of Jacinta Price – a very inspirational Australian:

Given we are continually being denigrated as a nation and bombarded by accusations of racism and bigotry, I felt it wasn’t only necessary to defend my home and the country I love but to also provide the overwhelming evidence that demonstrates these accusations are lies.  If we can’t have pride in our own nation how are we expected to evolve successfully?  If we keep telling a particular demographic they are victims of others of a certain skin colour we are effectively removing that demographic’s agency and that, to me, is completely un-Australian.

Here is a list of our nation’s achievements toward Aboriginal Australia and dare I say there’s very likely a whole lot that I have missed but we have to start somewhere right?

1856 – In South Australia all Men including Aboriginal Men were given the right to vote.

1896 – In South Australia all Women including Aboriginal Women were given the right to vote, 32 years before Women in England were given that right.

1948 – It is not well understood but no one in Australia was an Australian Citizen up until this year.  We were regarded as British Subjects until the Citizenship Act was passed.  Citizenship Rights were being extended to Aboriginal Australians gradually throughout the 1950’s and 1960’s by Coalition Governments.

1962 – Aboriginal Australians were granted the Right to Vote by a Coalition Government.

1964 – Aboriginal Australians were virtually granted full Citizenship Rights under a Coalition Government when the Aboriginal Ordinance was repealed.

1967 – The Referendum went through with overwhelming support of well over 90% of Australians voting to allow Aboriginal Australians to be included in the Census and for Aboriginal Affairs to become a Commonwealth responsibility.  Another successful Coalition Government initiative.

1968 – The Equal Pay decision was applied by a Coalition Government.

1970 – A State Coalition Government in Victoria handed back the Lake Tyers reserve to the Aboriginal community.

1971 – Senator Neville Bonner, a Liberal, became our first Aboriginal Parliamentarian.  Since then there have been 43 Aboriginal MP’s throughout state and federal Parliaments in Australia.  To add to this 8 MP’s have recorded Aboriginal Ancestry but have not been identified as Aboriginal.  The Northern Territory gave us the first and only Government, at any level, led by an Indigenous Australian.  This is not widely known or celebrated because Chief Minister Adam Giles was with the Country Liberal Party.

1976 – The NT Land Rights Act was passed by a Coalition Government.  Under this Act around 45% of the land and 80% of the coastline of the NT has been handed back to traditional owners, I’m one of them.

1992 – The High Court overturned the Principal of Terra Nullius with the Mabo Decision.

1993 – A Labor Government passed the Native Title Act.

In Australia today we have experienced historically significant acts of symbolism that include the 1991 Reconciliation Walk Across Sydney Harbour Bridge.  For six hours 250,000 Australians of all backgrounds walked together to demonstrate the fact we are not racist but are overwhelmingly in support of Aboriginal Australia.  We have spent a week every year since commemorating this event and what it means.

A Labor Prime Minister said ‘Sorry’ on May 26th 1998 in recognition of the impact of the policies of forcible removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families.  These days and others are commemorated every year to recognise historical injustices and to demonstrate that everyday Australians DO care for the plight of Indigenous Australians.

We spend days and weeks each year recognising Aboriginal Australia in the following ways:

National Apology Day – 26 May;

National Sorry Day – 26 May;

National Close the Gap Day – 17 March;

Anniversary of the Referendum – 27 May 1967;

Reconciliation week – 27 May to 03 June;

Mabo Day – 03 June;

Coming of the Light – 01 July;

NAIDOC Week – 05 to 12 July;

National Aboriginal and Islander Children’s Day – 04 August;

International Day of the worlds Indigenous Peoples – 09 August;

Indigenous Literacy Day – 04 September; and

Anniversary of the UN Declaration of Human Rights of Indigenous People – 13 September.

Throughout Australia ‘Welcome to Country’ or ‘Recognition of Country’ is applied as standard ritual practice before events, meetings and social gatherings by governments, corporates, institutions, primary schools, kindergartens, high schools, universities, work places, music festivals, gallery openings, conferences, and so on and so forth.

Aboriginal Australia is a part of the daily life of us all in some way shape or form and yet we are still facing accusations of racism in our nation.  We have been hoodwinked into believing that somehow reconciliation means appeasing the aggrieved, those who refuse to forgive, and we are held to ransom every time the goal posts are shifted.

The good will and support of the Australian people is always on display and it has only gathered momentum along the way.

It’s time now to recognise the efforts of thousands of Australians throughout our history who have done what was in their power to support Aboriginal Australia including those who are not Aboriginal but who call us family.  It’s time to recognise that we cannot possibly be a racist country if over 87% of people who identify as Aboriginal in non-remote areas of Australia are in fact married to non-Aboriginal Australians.

We must also remember that our nation is not only simply black and white.  We are rich with the contribution of Australians of many backgrounds and this is one of our greatest strengths as a nation.  What of the 30% of Australians who were born overseas, from every country on earth.  Are they all racist too?

It’s time to stop feeding into a narrative that promotes racial divide, a narrative that claims to try to stamp out racism but applies racism in doing so and encourages a racist over reaction.  Yes, it is time for some truth telling.

We should be celebrating what we have achieved together before the good will of the nation runs out.

This  Interview with Paul Murray places this letter in more meaningful perspective. The message that “charity begins at home” is pretty clear BUT we (all of humanity) needs to understand the true cause of the BASIC PROBLEM WITH RACISM and understand that we can play a part in the solution.

And to provide another perspective on the unnecessary complication and polarization of the whole issue with regard to RACISM here is another letter. A cry from a different reality:

Michael Richards, better known as Kramer, from TVsSeinfeld does make a good point.

There are African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, Arab Americans, etc.

And then there are just Americans..

You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction.

You call me ‘White boy,’ ‘Cracker,’ ‘Honkey,’ ‘Whitey,’ ‘Caveman’…

And that’s OK…
But when I call you, Nigger, Kike, Towel head, Sand-nigger,Camel Jockey,Beaner, Gook, or Chink ..

You call me a racist.

You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you….
So why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?

You have the United Negro College Fund.
You haveMartin Luther King Day.
You have Black History Month.
You have Cesar Chavez Day.
You have Yom Hashoah.
You have Ma’uled Al-Nabi.
You have the NAACP.
You have BET….

If we had WET (White Entertainment Television), we’d be racists.

If we had a White Pride Day, you would call us racists.

If we had White History Month, we’d be racists.

If we had any organization for only whites to ‘advance’ OUR lives,we’d be racists.

We have a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, a Black Chamber of Commerce,
and then we just have the plain Chamber of Commerce.
Wonder who pays for that??

A white woman could not be in the Miss Black American pageant,
but any color can be in the Miss America pageant.

If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships… You know we’d be racists.

There are over 60 openly proclaimed Black Colleges in the US .. Yet if there were ‘White colleges’,
that would be a racist college.

In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for your race and rights.

If we marched for our race and rights, you would call us racists.

You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you’re not afraid to announce it.
But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists.

You rob us, car jack us, and shoot at us.

But, when a white police officer shoots a black gang member or beats up a black drug dealer
running from the law and posing a threat to society, you call him a racist.

I am proud…… But you call me a racist.

Why is it that only whites can be racists??

BE PROUD TO BE WHITE! It’s not a crime YET….But getting very close!


I really do believe that application of TheCode as a MORAL COMPASS can address these issues and get the world out of the “RACIST trench” which is being dug deeper and deeper every day. Polarization is not the solution!!

In Australia we have a Department of Aboriginal Affairs which is one of the most costly items in the Australian Government Budgets. As a THIRD (but probably the most significant, important and achievable) objectives of the Australian Government would be to remove all references to the Department of Aboriginal Affairs and any and all references on ALL government forms that relate to, or identify race. AND from then onward all Australians should get treated EQUALLY. This includes providing outback Australians with better facilities. The excellent service provided by The Royal Flying Doctor Service is not enough. Use the money saved on the administration costs for the Department of Aboriginal Affairs.

Keep safe,





What are LOWLIFE? Also known as TAKERS. They are:

  1. People that are of little benefit to society – always taking and never giving.
  2. People who have such a low RESPONSIBILITY level that they have very little RESPECT for self and do little to look after themselves.
  3. People who are always pointing out that they have RIGHTS. Usually demanding their RIGHTS in some form or another. They do not understand that RIGHTS are GIVEN and not TAKEN.
  4. People that take other people for granted. Without any appreciation for what is/has been done for them. Usually, they have very little RESPECT for the person (or entity) that is benefitting them.
  5. People who frequently have very little RESPECT for animals (pets and/or wildlife). They are very happy about “owning” pets, for purposes of one-upmanship or purely materialistic reasons but they do not RESPECT animals and will frequently mistreat animals.
  6. People who consider freedom to be permission to do anything they wish to do regardless of consequences or inconvenience to any other people or entities. This attitude goes further than just being selfish because there is frequently very little advantage to self but always consequences to others. Freedom is a RIGHT which, like all other RIGHTS, is given and cannot be taken. The benefits of freedom must be enjoyed but, above all, must be appreciated and RESPECTED.

Lack of parental responsibility is what creates LOWLIFE and LOWLIFE are frequently ones that do not discipline their children. If disrespect for animals is demonstrated by children, for example pulling the wings off a butterfly or harming an animal is some other way, it is a character flaw that needs to be addressed as urgently as possible. This is why it is a very good idea to ensure that children have some form of pet that they must take full RESPONSIBILITY for.  One of the root causes of a LOWLIFE is that they were not disciplined as children. This is the reason that parents must teach their children RESPECT and discipline them for not taking RESPONSIBILITY for their actions. Every action is chosen and has consequences. And every action should be determined by the application of The Code.

The cycle of lowlife breeding lowlife is extremely commonplace and must be addressed. I do believe that strict application of, and education about TheCode can resolve this issue. TheCode must be taught in schools!



Respect vs Love vs Lust

Lust :

Is a psychological force which is considered an immoral desire whereas passion, similar in interpretation, is considered to be an acceptable as it is more intellectual rather than physical. The feeling of lust has no degree of responsibility associated with it. So in terms of TheCode, RRR (Respect before Responsibility before Rights), the word LUST has no significance or relevance.


Is a very powerful word and plays a very significant role in most religions. Love is considered to be the No. 1 priority as far as human relationships are concerned. Love has many interpretations and Ancient Greek philosophers identified five forms of love. There are many modern variations on the word associated with a large number of both good, and bad connotations. Thus love has almost a platitude and as such has two extremes: Firstly one of total servitude and the other being almost an excuse for dominance. The latter interpretation of LOVE can become a justification or Qualification of lust.


Respect is a two way street. This makes it less ambiguous than LOVE and has the additional significance of being a desirable REQUIREMENT for any well balanced person. Thus RESPECT has a quality of balance which is in keeping with application of the Yin Yang principles with which I try to align TheCode.

Respect can be applied to all of the 8 dynamics with far more meaning than the word love. It is very difficult to love oneself (unless you are a narcissist) but it is pretty acceptable to say that you should RESPECT your body (by looking after it – exercise and good food) and your soul or spirit (by adhering to TheCode as a moral compass which empowers DIGNITY). In fact respecting ones SELF as a spiritual being is far easier and more manageable than having to know where you come from, where you are going and what you are doing here. You can just respect the fact of who you are and be grateful that you have the opportunity to interact (and RESPECT in turn) the world around you. The real power is that you can respect a view or opinion that is contrary to your own beliefs without reacting to it or wanting to change or destroy it. Loving XYZ because it has ??? when you despise ??? is very difficult to do whereas respecting that XYZ has ??? and being able to leave it at that is not demanding or restricting in any way.

Respect can be a very gentle process as well and can be shown or enjoyed in many ways. This description of an elderly person’s “attitude to life in general” is an excellent way to show the world some RESPECT:

I asked a friend who has crossed 70 & is heading towards 80 what sort of changes he is feeling in himself? He sent me the following:

1 After loving my parents, my siblings, my spouse, my children and my friends, I have now started loving myself.

2 I have realized that I am not “Atlas”. The world does not rest on my shoulders.

3 I have stopped bargaining with vegetable & fruit vendors. A few pennies more is not going to break me, but it might help the poor fellow save for his daughter’s school fees.

4 I leave my waitress a big tip. The extra money might bring a smile to her face. She is toiling much harder for a living than I am.

5 I stopped telling the elderly that they’ve already narrated that story many times. The story makes them walk down memory lane & relive their past.

6 I have learned not to correct people even when I know they are wrong. The onus of making everyone perfect is not on me. Peace is more precious than perfection.

7 I give compliments freely & generously. Compliments are a mood enhancer not only for the recipient, but also for me. And a small tip for the recipient of a compliment, never, NEVER turn it down, just say “Thank You.”

8 I have learned not to bother about a crease or a spot on my shirt. Personality speaks louder than appearances.

9 I walk away from people who don’t value me. They might not know my worth, but I do.

10 I remain cool when someone plays dirty to outrun me in the rat race. I am not a rat & neither am I in any race.

11 I am learning not to be embarrassed by my emotions. It’s my emotions that make me human.

12 I have learned that it’s better to drop the ego than to break a relationship. My ego will keep me aloof, whereas with relationships, I will never be alone.

13 I have learned to live each day as if it’s the last. After all, it might be the last.

14 I am doing what makes me happy. I am responsible for my happiness, and I owe it to myself. Happiness is a choice. You can be happy at any time, just choose to be!

I decided to share this for all my friends. Why do we have to wait to be 60 or 70 or 80, why can’t we practice this at any stage and age?

It is also interesting how the word RESPONSIBILITY crept into this narrative!

I hope that this helps to explain why TheCode has RESPECT as the most important factor.
