Republicans at WAR with Democrats

Civil War:

To all intents and purposes the USA is in the middle of a civil war. The Republicans vs the Democrats. Why are they at war? Because the Republican Party has become a  RELIGION . In fact it is now a Cult – The trump Cult. The trump has turned the Republican Party into a cult, the trumpists , which is the worst form of religion on the planet. A cult displays the worst characteristics possible under the guise of a religion (mainly for tax purposes). Similar to Scientology, to my mind, is now a cult and no longer the healing group that L.Ron Hubbard had in mind.

Edit: 15/Jan/2021 Today I heard a very accurate definition of The Ruspublican’s problem. Their behavior has become TRIBAL rather than a POLITICAL. Wow. Too true! Just like the ANC (African National Congress) in South Africa.

The Republican Party :

Also referred to as GOP (Grand Old Party) is now a body-devided. The visible and active side of this body is now (Jan, 2020) a cult with trump as its leader and Commander in Chief (acting as a dictator). They will continue to be seen as this cult until the sane (and VERY CONCERNED) members break away from the trump cult and reform the Republican Party as the GOP. This can only happen if there is a person who is strong enough to lead this party. At this time I am afraid that the current “leadership” is so stuck in their policy of GREED (Profit is everything) and their FEAR (total ignorance and misunderstanding) of socialism that they cannot grasp the concept of a united America.

In terms of TheCode – RRR (Respect before Responsibility before Rights) these leaders are all stuck at the responsibility Level of 1 ( = SELF). They certainly cannot even claim that they are at responsibility Level 2 ( = FAMILY) because they are prepared to sacrifice their families to ensure that they keep their political jobs. They have zero/none/no RESPECT for their opposition political party as trump has convinced them that The Democrats are now “the enemy”.  This FEAR (Yes! It is the fear and complete lack of understanding) of the Democratic Party and their objectives which results in the conviction the Democratic Party is out to destroy the Republican Party. It is because trump recognized this flaw in the Republican Party and set out to use that flaw to further his own ends. (see:  trump-as-dictator for a description of trump’s EVIL agenda).

The paragraph title refers to the WikipediA document on the Republican Party but, unfortunately, the personal GREED, which borders on insanity, for many of the present leaders of this party has reduced any and all of their policies to a) Keep my job b) If I don’t support trump and enable his madness I will loose my job c) If trump is impeached I will loose my job because “the enemy” may treat me the way I deserve. And d) Again to Keep my job and my “position of power”. Even if democracy, the people of America and my oath of office are damaged (or destroyed and go down in flames) in the process THIS IS THE ONLY POLICY THAT IS IN THE MINDS of trumpist’s (people who are part of the trump Cult rather than representatives of the American people ie. elected politicians). It is unfortunate that The Republican Party do not have any active policies in play at this time. The trump’s “we are going to make America great again” means “I will ensure that everything I do makes ME richer regardless of the cost to America AS A COUNTRY or the American people”. There is of course an advantage in having money in the Treasury because trump will find a way of getting some of it. Hence cutting off payments to the WHO regardless of who may have been harmed by that action. This complete lack of active policies also ensures that there is nothing for the Democratic Party to criticise. Rather a significant problem. Particularly for America as a country.

The Republican Party and the disgusting “so-called” journalists who contribute to some of the social media world and sensational “news” media – such as Fox News, have a choice. They can precipitate this terrible Second American Civil War by continuing to: a) further enable trump and ANY part of his EVIL agenda b) mislead the American people about the objectives and ideals of the Democratic Party and c) ignore the first and most important part of TheCode – RRR (Respect before Responsibility before Rights) – being RESPECT.


The Republican Party can gather any NON-trump supporters left in the Party to form an alliance of the true GOP as a group of people who can a) RESPECT the Oath they took when they took office b) RESPECT the wishes of ALL Americans who have the interest and well-being of America and the rest of the Planet at heart c) DISCONNECT from trump and any and all of his mis-informed and mis-guided followers d) RESPECT and try to understand the new President of the USA, President Joe Biden, and his policies (he has 7+million more supporters in your DEMOCRACY!) e) SUPPORT him in his efforts to rebuild a very tarnished and Disunited States of America that has been created by The Republicans mistake of supporting and electing trump f) understand and apply TheCode .

Last but not least is that trump AND HIS MISGUIDED FOLLOWERS MUST ALL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR TERRIBLE LACK OF JUDGEMENT AND THEIR DISREGARD OF THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION. This is the only message that the trumpist’s will clearly understand. Every day that this is delayed increases the inappropriate feeling of being “done” which trump has INITIATED and which he continues to PROMOTE ! Not only does trump continue to promote the lies, mis-information and discontent but WOW (word-of-mouth) makes this discontent far more successful that truth. Rather like Covid-19.

It is trump’s EVIL and AMORAL use of Covid-19 to create chaos in the USA which is causing the death of more than 4000 American citizens per day ie.


This is more than the total number of deaths caused by external terrorists on 9/11 !!!   And Mitch McConnell, the supposed leader of the Republican Party in the Senate, cannot convene The Senate to sanction (Impeach AND apply the 25th amendment) on trump. IMHO he needs to be held accountable as a trump accomplice. Any person who continues to defend trump in any manner whatsoever needs to be charged as an accompliuce!!

The Democratic Party :

The Democratic Party on the other hand have definite policies (AT THIS TIME), objectives and principles which they wish to put in place. In terms of TheCode The Democratic Party have a significant responsibility level. This is Level 5 (= THE PLANET) because part of President Joe Biden’s plans which include POSITIVE actions regarding Climate Change.  Level 5 is about as high as we (human beings) can aspire to at this time! They are not stuck at level 1 = SELF like trump and his cult. Please note that 2=FAMILY, 3=Social Groups and 4=Country which are all more in keeping with the Oath of Office, which trump does not even comprehend, never mind understand and which Joe Biden will take on January 20th with  understanding and intention.

While trump and his followers in the Republican Party are in confused disarray between those who believe in and are committed to their Oath of service and those who believe any or all of the trump BS (including the non-fact that The Democratic Party is intent on turning America into a socialist state) what they are achieving is the RAPID growth of insurrection and non-peaceful riots in the name of justifiable protests.

This situation is actually less harmful that the Covid-19 pandemic BUT has the POTENTIAL of doing far more harm that Covid-19 IN THE LONG TERM.  Covid-19 will either be significantly impacted by the vaccine,  will diminish in intensity as the trump-promoted herd immunity begins to take effect or will have killed sufficient potential victims for the bell-curve of deaths to start diminishing.  Considering that the death rate for week 1 – 2021 is over 40,000 the top of the curve will be at > 500,000 (half-a-million) and the downward curve will record many more deaths. IMHO at least another 150 to 200 thousand people will die before the USA will be in a position to become optimistic about normality.

The trump would have been advised by someone in his entourage of this possibility. Whether trump was capable of understanding or vaguely comprehending this fact trump made the decision that his presidency and his continued access to lots of funding/money was more important TO HIM than those number of deaths. In fact he made the decision that the chaos caused by Covid-19 would be a very useful “distraction” in the event of him not being able to win or manipulate his success in the 2020 election.  BTW remember that the main reason that he believes (and trump HAS convinced himself) that the election was rigged is because his efforts to rig the election were not successful and he does not believe it possible that Joe Biden was able to do a better job of “rigging” than he was.

So the incoming Democratic President is faced with 1) the Covid-19 crises created largely by trump’s incompetence and desire for chaos 2) the American racial unrest which has been “encouraged” by trump to create more unrest 3) the pathetic animosity of the Republican Party – another level of hate and unrest aggravated by trump at every opportunity 4) the economic crises – which is actually recovering on its own now that trump is distracted by his loss of the presidency 5) the many unstable “solutions” to international relationships that trump has managed to use as vote-promoting exercises 6) the MANY and serious breaks that trump has managed to create with all of America’s allies and 7) the complete disarray in all of America’s security, judiciary and police that the trump has created with all his inappropriate firings and hirings.  I wonder how many challenges I have missed? I have sent President Joe Biden a letter of congratulation on his election. I would be most surprised if he manages to see it in among his thousands of far more pressing issues but perhaps it will carry some good Karma.

Joe Biden won by a thin thread (7/300  of the population). 7+ million votes is not so “slim” but he has many millions of Americans whom trump has turned into a mis-guided and dangerous group of people. I do so hope that The Republican Party can find a new leader to lead them to some semblance of order and an understanding of TheCode. Co-operation with President Joe Biden and a bi-partisan approach to all of the challenges listed above will ensure a swift recovery of American Pride and achievement. They will grow to be stronger than ever. But if The Democrats continue to be treated as an enemy the Second American Civil War will blossom into reality and the chaos will continue for many years to come.

One really good thing which has happened to The Democratic Party is that they won the two Senate Seats in Georgia. There is hope that President Joe Biden will be able to solve many of Americas problems with the support of previous Presidents and hopefully without even the presence of trump. I do hope that Impeachment will exclude trump from the title of President in any shape or form and that this is accomplished as quickly as possible.

RRR (Respect before Responsibility before Rights)



This letter is from dear SOUTH AFRICA to the SA Minister for “whatever”. The reason I am putting it on RRR (Respect before Responsibility before Rights) is because it is an example of an effort to BALANCE the terrible limitations being imposed on the people of the world regarding Covid-19.

I am still busy evaluating this letter in terms of TheCode and trying to decide whether TheCode can address this issue and its value or correctness?


Dlamini-Zuma asked to provide reasons for extending lockdown – or see you in court.

DearSA attorneys Hurter Spies this week sent a letter to Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma asking her to provide reasons why she extended the lockdown earlier this month and to give an undertaking no further extensions will be given.

She has also been asked to support her reasons with documents and expert evidence.

The minister has been given until 30 October 2020 to reply, failing which DearSA says it will approach the High Court for relief.

DearSA has run several public participation campaigns showing an overwhelming majority are against any further lockdowns.

The letter to the minister says DearSA believes that the extension published on 14 October 2020 “is irrational, unlawful, unreasonable, and therefore reviewable.”

Says DearSA project leader Rob Hutchinson: “After seven months of lockdown we now have a better understanding of the risks of Covid, and the best evidence tells us that further lockdowns will not materially impact the spread of the virus, but will do far more damage to the livelihoods of South Africans who have suffered a loss of income or jobs. Given the massive response to our public campaigns around various aspects of the lockdown, we are obligated to act in the public interest.”

The letter to the minister spells out why her decision to extend the lockdown is irrational:

  • The Covid-19 infection rate peaked several months ago, and the additional facilities provided by the health system to cope with the expected surge in traffic have been closed because the “wave has passed”. It is irrational to suggest that the healthcare system is still being prepared for a peak.
  • SA has conducted about 4.5 million tests is among the world leaders in tracking and tracing the spread of the disease.
  • Education on sanitisation and social distancing has been successful, with high levels of compliance. The lowering of the lockdown stringency levels has not resulted in any material increase in mortality or infections.
  • SA had about 50 000 active cases of Covid-19 over the course of the past week, well below the July peak of 173 590 active cases. At its peak, the death rate was about 300 per day. In the five days running up to the extension of the disaster, only 10 deaths per day were recorded. Influenza kills approximately 23 South Africans per day. TB kills more than 300 South Africans per day, AIDS another 300 South Africans per day.
  • The number of recorded Covid-19 deaths has been far lower than expected and currently totals just over 18 000 deaths.
  • The modelling relied upon by government have been shown to be wildly inaccurate and have been abandoned. It projected 40 000 deaths by the end of November this year, while the Actuarial Society of South Africa’s model has been trimmed to an estimate of 27 000 deaths from the virus. “PANDA – Pandemics and Data and Analytics, whose model is updated regularly, estimates 20,000 deaths by the end of the year and plots real-world data against the prediction which suggests this number to be accurate,” says the letter to the minister.
  • The World Health Organisation (WHO) recently published a paper by world-famous epidemiologist John Ioannidis which estimates the Infection Fatality Rate of the virus is less than 0.2%.

“As is evident from the above synopsis, South Africa is no longer faced with the uncertainties that it was confronted with when the initial state of disaster was enacted and declared. Consequently, the circumstances that prompted the declaration have disappeared and therefore the underlying motivation for the national state of disaster has as well,” says the letter.

In terms of Section 37 of the Constitution, a state of emergency may only be maintained for 90 days before its extension must be approved by Parliament. No such parliamentary approval has been obtained for the latest extension.

The letter asks the minister to provide written reasons for the lockdown extension, backed by supporting documents and expert evidence. It also requests that the minister immediately terminate the national state of disaster and provide an undertaking that there will be no further extensions of the disaster.

The minister has until 30 October 2020 to reply, failing which DearSA will be forced to approach the High Court for relief.


Rob Hutchinson
MD, Dear South Africa

Times are certainly very challenging!


Black Lives Matter is INCITEFUL

Black Lives Matter is unfortunately used as a typical media driven polarization of a world-wide problem because all that it achieves is polarization of an issue which should not really exist. It is very loosely used and interpreted in much the same way as racism and sexism.

The only reason that racism and sexism has become an issue is because we choose to make them an issue. Each and every person has a perception of these two words and the only thing that matters is that each and every one of us has a slightly different perception, not only of these words as such, but also the effect or impression that they have on our EMOTIONS. We cannot, and in fact should not, suppress or invalidate our perceptions of these two words but WHAT WE MUST DO is ensure that we apply TheCode to any decision, action or statement that we make on these issues.

The words “Black Lives Matter” are used, in the media, as a typical meaningless campaign slogan that polarizes the issue and turns injustice into another opportunity for sensationalism.

The basic problem here is NOT “Black Lives” but ALL lives matter.

On the one hand we have the self-styled black people trying to DEMAND THEIR RIGHTS but they are doing so in a manner that tries to convince “the world” that they are only poor downtrodden people on the plant that are SO BADLY ill-treated and that they should therefore get “special treatment” which is then taken advantage of by MANY not ALL !!!  The actions taken by the DO-GOODERS, who are really only seeking self-aggrandizement,  as opposed to the true altruists who are in fact practitioners of TheCode in the true sense of its meaning.

On the other hand we (once again this is MANY and not ALL) are not practicing the code. We are not showing RESPECT. We are not taking RESPONSIBILITY for the fact there is more to the happiness and the survival of the PLANET that ourselves alone. And lastly but even more importantly is that we do not have any more RIGHTS that any other living organism on the planet. In fact we must learn to accept that we do not have any RIGHTS at all because RIGHTS are GIVEN and should never be demanded.  It is the demanding of RIGHTS, whether reasonable or not which is what precipitates most of the aggravation, disappointment, anger and antagonism on the planet.



The DoGooders Copout

A problem is identified.

Action must be taken.

The apparent, visible and superficial problem is addressed without research and without questioning the CAUSE OF THE PROBLEM.

Then opinion overrides research and understanding and an  “obvious” solution to the problem is identified and steps are taken to make the solution work. ALL THE SOLUTION WILL ACHIEVE IS TO POLARISE THE PROBLEM AND THUS AGGRAVATE THE PROBLEM.

Example of a Cop-out:

Teenagers in an area, call it TeenTown are wreaking havoc in ways that teenagers are prone to do. Many of these teenagers are Aboriginal so therefore “Poor Aboriginal teenagers are misbehaving because they do not have privileges and MONEY available to them that white/Caucasian/etc teenagers have” is identified as a problem. It is not their fault etc etc so “we” must do something about it.

Solution: We will set up a fund and a facility to cater for these teenagers so that they can have the same “opportunities” as “the rest” have. (All double quotes are intended to stress the polarisation aspects of this solution!).

This is cop-out where the DoGooder feels that they have achieved a great win for those Aboriginal teenagers because they have now been given the “opportunity” to join the privileged ranks of the white/Caucasian/etc .

  1. The situation is polarised and exacerbated by drawing attention to THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN Aboriginal teenagers AND white/Caucasian/etc teenagers. THERE SHOULD BE NO DIFFERENCE. ARE WE NOT ALL EQUAL?
  2. These Aboriginal teenagers do not even understand the meaning of “opportunity”. All they see/understand/accept is that the white/Caucasian/etc are giving then their due according to their rights as Aboriginal teenagers. (Excuse me? If “we” are all equal where do these rights suddenly come from? DoGooders is of course the answer.
  3. So if this solution is not the answer how can we deal with it NOW?
  4. Definitely not by polarising the situation and and providing the Aborinal teenage group with “confirmation” that it is OK for them to be jobless and not make any effort to become part of our Australian Culture. Why should I suddenly become a wellintentioned and contributing member of society when you continue to support and subsidise me for not being one? Because that is exactly what is happening and the problem continues to grow and get worse and no-one seems to understand why?

The true answer to the problem is ; Do away with the polarisation by shutting down the Dept. of Aboriginal Affairs (or whatever Dept. name it now hides under?), remove any reference to Aboriginal, Torres Islander or whatever from ANY AND EVERY FORM that exists in this country and remove any provision, legislation, law, statute or rule which exists which refers to any of these cultures. Place this as the number one project for THE TEN YEAR PLAN to be put in place for our government.

As long as these “distinctions” exist the Aboriginal people of Australia have ABSOLUTELY NO REASON TO INTEGRATE WITH FELLOW AUSTRALIANS. Why should they? If “daddy” pays you (pretty handsomely) to be different and just stay out of his way, why would any intelligent being make an effort to isolate their culture and set about becoming part of daddy’s culture (business/enterprise or whatever).
