today in trumpland

Questions relating to exP45?

First and foremost. For a someone like exP45 to comment on President Joe Bidens mental acuity is rather cynical:


(with acknowledgment to Quora and those trying to tell  the truth as opposed to those who are promoting the trump name at every opportunity.) is a media platform which provides as broad an opportunity as possible for FREEDOM of SPEECH. Particularly relevant to the USA. It is very sad that so many trumpists, either paid or misinformed, use Quora as an advertising board to keep the name of exP45 (ie donald j. trump) in the spotlight. The good news is that these exP45 questions are becoming more and more inappropriate and illogical or even insane.

Here are a few of the memes about exP45 :






There is the hope, therefore, that these questions about exP45 are decreasing at the same rate as his popularity. Why?

Propaganda machine

At the time of writing (December 2021) the exP45 propaganda machine does seem to be losing momentum. More and more of the misinformed trump followers are seeing-the-light although :

There is still a frightening number of people who continue to be misled by exP45. The ablity he has for collecting donations is the most frightening aspect of exP45 and his followers.

The Department of Justice is steadily working its way through all the barricades that trump and his close followers have put in their way and getting closer and closer to the point where exP45 could finish up in jail before he manages to get back in the White House:

Many trump followers are also realizing that exP45’s never ending string of lies are being repeated too often and are becoming more and more crazy with repetition:



Supporting exP45 is a highway to future dissappointment:


Both ConMen and Gangsters: 

Whenever a exP45 supporter realises how amoral exP45 is they have to decide whether to a) get out of the trumpist influence or b) feed their own questionable morals and ethics to further their own GREED.  The bottom line is always GREED whether this be for riches or for power !!

Family mostly stay as supporters because they rely on exP45 for their income. An exception has been Mary Trump who has persistently warned the people of America that exP45 is the most dangerous man on the planet.

Especially when he has the power made available ti him in the White House.

In case you believe that Mary is all fake-news ( = exP45 does not agree)  then you must read Rick Kelley – Commander in Cheat.

People who have worked with or for exP45 have found out the hard way that if they stray-from-the-fold they will face the true and nasty exP45  recoil !!



Presidency :

Another term of Office?

While waiting for the count of the 2020 elections there was a significant number of Americans who were convinced that exP45 would stay in the White House. At this time I am hoping that this is what will happen:

Wake up exP45 supporters PLEASE !  For the sake of America ! Not necessarily for yourselves, because you cannot change the GREED that inspires you to support trump, but for country that provided you with the opportunity to get what you have right now.

A promise that I can make to you, because I sincerely believe this, is that exP45 will only make America a LOT WORSE than he did in his first term in the White House. Please revisit all the achievements above !!!

Please understand

that exP45is not in the least interested in the Presidency of the USA. He is only interested in:

1. getting back into the White House which will allow him to

2. have another crack at turning America into a dictatorship by destroying any confidence in a democracy and in turn

3. (following in the footsteps of Putin’s Russia) making himself the FIRST DICTATOR OF THE (disunited)USA.

4. Putin (making a typical trump-type promise) has probably promised exP45 that he will be made #1 boss of the world (MegaDictator?) when exP45 hands over anything that Putin may request.

NOTE WELL that if you sincerely believe that exP45 is the father figure you need for your own children and that he will make YOU PERSONALLY and instantly wealthy ( and happy and content ) when he becomes MegaDictator I fear for the whole world. Not only the decline of America but all it used to stand for.

Failing the truth test against The-Rcode is the final testament to how bad exP45 really is. Try it:

RESPECT then Responsibility then Rights

IanM (Written 2021 & Updated Nov 2024)






Responsibility vs. Morality

GREED remains our Number 1 Problem at this time.

GREED is what drives people to commit most of our crimes. Who was it that said crime does not pay?

GREED is what defines the level of RESPONSIBILITY that we gravitate towards when we are making decisions. The benefits to self are more important, as an opinion based on greed, than any benefit which may accrue to Groups or Country. And who has the mental capacity to consider the Planet before Country or before Groups?

In turn Morality frequently requires decisions based on RESPONSIBILITY. Without considering the levels of RESPONSIBILITY ,  when deciding what is moral (or ethical), any decision can become very complex as defined by Immanuel Kant in the Categorical imperative.  By adhering to the KISS principle I believe that TheCode makes moral decisions simpler and more effective because RESPONSIBILITY provides a level which can be addressed by the decision being taken.

Thus we have a distinct relationship between Morality, Greed and Responsibility.

How does Morality tie into TheCode. I return to my ultimate benchmark of EVIL being trump. When a person is amoral it means that they are simply unaware of morality. When that person, particularly if they completely narcissistic,  wants to do something it is their decision and they will decide whether it is good or bad,  nice or nasty, rewarding or challenging based on how they feel about it. Any external opinion, assessment or evaluation is not even remotely of concern to them. If unfavourable or negative (to them) such “opinions” are “fake news” because they are “not real” TO THEM. That person is after all  the universe to themselves. Nothing else is of any importance whatsoever.

The oath of the president of the USA was totally meaningless to him. That oath signifies an acceptance of RESPONSIBILITY  for a country, its economy and the lives of nearly 400 MILLION people. Not an oath to protect himself or his family or  a  political party. In return the USA undertook to protect The President no matter what the cost! That was the contract.

When trump took the oath of Presidency of the USA it was, to him, just another contract, which he would weasel out of,  if it became inconvenient at any point. In the same way that it was a very regular activity of trump’s to refuse to pay his contractors for work done. In the same way that he did not consider the welfare of anyone other than HIMSELF. And the adoration of his fans whom he had persuaded that he was “THE BEST”. After all it was his RIGHT to refuse to pay if he decided that there was something that he could find fault with regarding any contract that he ever entered. Real or imagined did not matter (no morality) as long as he could reduce costs for that job. $100,000 dollars worth of lawyers fees was a profitable exchange for $780,000 worth of work and materials. The contractor could not afford the $100,000 because he was already out of pocket for far more than that amount on the contract. In trumps view an excellent outcome and good business. To trump the oath was “just another contract”! And lawyers were just a cost of doing business.

With regard to “his people” as long as they continued to worship at the shrine of the trump and maintain “loyalty” to the trump cult, all was well and “they were great people”. As soon as you disagreed, in any way whatsoever, trump would be out to “get you”. Even have you killed! As he instructed the mob to do with Nancy Pelosie and Mike Pence on 6th January.

The oath was “just another contract” which trump broke every time he lied, misinformed, avoided comment, avoided the truth, ignored racism, ignored violence and last of all encouraged violence to try and maintain his position of worship as president of the USA. He was never remotely concerned about ANY of his RESPONSIBILITIES. He was only concerned about SELF. The absolute bottom level of the RESPONSIBILITY scale. He was only concerned about being admired for his actions which he frequently misrepresented to the American People. All the lying he did to the American People is what led them to believe what a “wonderful person” he was and what led the people to violent actions on his behalf.

With regard to trumps impeachment hearing and the senate vote :   Trump may not be impeached (writing this 12/2 1040 my time = 11/2 1940 EST US) because the Republican Senators believe that they can vote for the GOP above, and before accepting responsibility for,  THE OATH which they themselves have taken when becoming senators and part of The Congress.

The impeachment should be based on the fact that trump took actions AGAINST the oath of office which he swore to uphold when he became president. Inciting the riots of January 6 was the final act of denial of trump’s oath of office. This act broke his contract WITH THE AMERICAN PEOPLE (all Americans). As he destroyed that contract so he should be impeached which should ensure that he does not enjoy a single benefit as a result of HAVING BEEN a President of the USA. No pension, no security, no travel and no title. Just another American thug.

The Republican Senators, themselves, are in fact in breach of their own respective oaths of office by letting trump off the hook. Their oath was to protect THE AMERICAN PEOPLE (all of them as a whole) and not just to protect their cult leader from loosing face, popularity and his ability to collect funds for their Party. That oath is taken by Senators because it raises (well, supposed to raise!) them above self, above the party and (should!!) force them to take a higher lever of responsibilitiy for THE COUNTRY and all of its people. Peacefully.

We will see whether the Republican Party is capable of honoring their oath, their contract with the people of the USA and not just consider RESPONSIBILITY  for themselves and maybe their Party but for the USA.

Keep safe,  Jude

Declining Wildlife


Read about the failing natural resources here.

ARMAGEDON is a very scary situation. This is not scare mongering or politically motivated it is a statement about “red warning signs of vital natural systems failure” and we MUST do something about it.

IMHO this fact is far more critical to the survival of the human race on this planet than the Covid-19 pandemic with   Worldwide: 1,213,886 dead and USA 232,617 with 1,130 today alone – 4 Nov, 2020 is almost “acceptable” from a planetary perspective (The 5th dynamic of the Levels of Responsibility for TheCode. ) for two significant reasons:

1 – the planet is overpopulated (the main cause of the ACCELERATED and extremes of Climate Change) so, even though it is a VERY brutal statement to make, realistically,  Covid-19 is helping the planet in this regard even though it is somewhat insignificant proportionally. The affected world population is 0.61% with deaths at 0.16 per 1000 people.

2 – people are NOT becoming extinct (yet) but animals are  and we are not doing anything approaching enough to ensure the ecological balance effect not to mention the SIGNIFICANT psychological benefit provided to a human mind by the company/love/relationships with nature.

Escaping to Mars (Elon Musk and Mars), as I have already stated, is actually a BAD move if all we are going to do is propagate the human virus (US!!). Elon addressing TedX is Boring. A plan for traffic management.

This is a TedX initiative is well worth following at this time. CountDown .


The best description of Covid-19

The Ugandan President’s address to his nation.

Uganda President KAGUTA MUSEVENI warns against people misbehaving during this COVID-19 period, *”God has a lot of work, He has the whole world to look after. He cannot just be here in Uganda looking after idiots…”*.

Below is his reported statement.

“In a war situation, nobody asks anyone to stay indoors. *You stay indoors by choice.* In fact, if you have a basement, you hide there for as long as hostilities persist.

During a war, you *don’t insist on your freedom*. You willingly give it up in exchange for survival.

During a war, you *don’t complain of hunger.* You bear hunger and pray that you live to eat again

During a war, you *don’t argue about opening your business*. You close your shop (if you have the time), and run for your life. You pray to outlive the war so that you can return to your business (that’s if it has not been looted or destroyed by mortar fire).

During a war, you are *thankful to God for seeing another day in the land of the living*.

During a war, you *don’t worry about your children not going to school.* You pray that the government does not forcefully enlist them as soldiers to be trained in the school premises now turned military depot.

*The world is currently in a state of war. A war without guns and bullets. A war without human soldiers. A war without borders. A war without cease-fire agreements. A war without a war room. A war without sacred zones.*

The army in this war is without mercy. It is without any milk of human kindness. It is indiscriminate – it has no respect for children, women, or places of worship. This army is not interested in spoils of war. It has no intention of regime change. It is not concerned about the rich mineral resources underneath the earth. It is not even interested in religious, ethnic or ideological hegemony. Its ambition has nothing to do with racial superiority. *It is an invisible, fleetfooted, and ruthlessly effective army.*

Its only agenda is a harvest of death. It is only satiated after turning the world into one big death field. Its capacity to achieve its aim is not in doubt. Without ground, amphibious and aeriel machines, it has bases in almost every country of the world. Its movement is not governed by any war convention or protocol. In short, *it is a law unto itself. It is Coronavirus. Also known as COVID-19* (because it announced its destructive presence and intention in the year of our Lord 2019)

Thankfully, this army has a weakness and it can be defeated. It only requires our collective action, discipline and forbearance. *COVID-19 cannot survive social and physical distancing.* It only thrives when you confront it. It loves to be confronted. It capitulates in the face of collective social and physical distancing. It bows before good personal hygiene. It is helpless when you take your destiny in your own hands by keeping them sanitized as often as possible.

*This is not a time to cry about bread and butter like spoilt children.* After all, the Holy book tells us that man shall not live by bread alone. *Let’s obey and follow the instructions of the authorities.* Let’s flatten the COVID-19 curve. Let’s exercise patience. Let’s be our brothers’ keeper. *In no time, we shall regain our freedom, enterprise and socializing.”*

In the midst of EMERGENCY, we practice urgency of service and the urgency of love for others
God bless us all

👏👏👏,  the best and most intelligent public speech ever made during Covid-19. 🎩 off to him. SALUTE a great leader.

Pity he could not stand for Presidency of the USA. While trump acts like an ignorant African dictator President Museveni acts like a President!


American Genocide because of GREED

It is July, 2020 and the world takes another step closer to ARMAGEDDON. The Medical press announced that Covid-19 causes brain damage and that steps need to be taken to address this issue.   The current situation is fueled by GREED which is the number one problem identified by RRR.

When trump started his “reign” in 2016 all his decisions took into his personal profit as his first priority. Anything that “needed” to be done required an element of profit for the companies that his family was managing on his behalf. Someone who may be more familiar with his true financial situation would, possibly, correct this statement to reflect that any/all actions were taken on the basis of ensuring that these companies survived rather than made a profit. Nevertheless the basic driving force is/was GREED.

The present driving force with ALL trump’s decisions and actions is GREED for power. I think that it is safe to say that he is so incompetent (deranged?) that everything that he does, at the moment, is doing more and more damage to his image and his likelihood of a second term of office. I have to agree that “no action” is the best course to follow at the moment A recent Quora quote was “Do not interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake”. Brilliant!

The trump is the most powerful man on the planet. Fortunately there are sufficient checks and balances in the American system to ensure that he is not quite as powerful as he believes he is! Some of the results of these GREED-driven activities by this apology of a man are :

  1. America has become one of the least respected nations in the world today. There are very few (if any? Maybe Mexico now?) leaders that would trust trump. And this means that the world is literally holding its breath to see if Joe Biden will be given the opportunity to sort out the appalling mess.
  2. China is flexing it’s muscles (eg. Hong Kong) in the vacuum which trump has created in “the world order”.
  3. Isreal is re-starting it’s unjustifiable annexation of Gaza in the belief that trump will support Isreal in their ongoing aggression. The fact that trump will not be allowed to do so (Even if he wanted to stick to his promises. Which would be very unusual!) has not yet penetrated the Isreali leader’s mind.
  4. The US has now suffered 127,452 deaths due to Covid-19. This is slightly more than the next THREE countries together. (Brazil – 57,103 UK – 43,514 AND Italy – 43,514). Note: Brazil’s (so-called) leader is a trump-wannabe and is taking his country down the same road.
  5. The US has tested positive 2.55 million Covid-19 cases which is slightly less than the next top FOUR countries together. (Brazil – 1.31m Russia – 0.63m India – 0.51m UK – 0.31m). Oh I am sorry. “We only have the highest number because we test more, MUCH MORE, than any other country” to quote trump. He is saying that if they did not test then they would not have so many cases! They would just magically dissappear!  Not that if they tested more they would have double the number of cases, maybe?
  6. The WHO is under huge financial difficulty in trying to maintain a sane, co-ordinated and scientific approach to the world-threatening Covid-19 because juvenile trump decided that they were favoring China rather than America. So, by withdrawing funds from the WHO he hands the WHO, as a world-power body, over to manipulation and management by China who will take the opportunity to fund anything which the WHO requires as long as it is to China’s advantage. In exactly the same way that America “managed” the WHO until trump lost control (and respect).
  7. The USA used to be the respected power of the west that all Western civilisations could rely on to maintain some semblance of order and balance and sanity in the world. No-one is able to get any sense out of trump with his ego-driven, America must profit at-all-costs diplomatic ignorance. The world is literally coming apart.
  8. Where does the UK get some support in trying to ensure some semblance of independence, freedom and pride for the people of Hong Kong. They are about to be “absorbed” into the 1.382 billion people that are controlled from Beijing.
  9. When one looks at the terrible social mess that is America to-day one has to agree with the “muslim terrorist” description of the USA and even feel some sympathy with their cause. This does not however condone their totally disgusting methods of trying to enforce their religion on the rest of the world. This problem is not primarily one of GREED but one of RELIGION and the folly of any religion which assumes that they are THE ONLY true religion for all mankind in total disregard of RRR.

There are probably another 100 problems of varying proportions that could be defined here but the ones listed above are, IMHO, some of the most significant ones which could all be resolved by The-rCode.


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